FIC: White Whale 6/?

Mar 31, 2010 21:27

Title: White Whale 6/?

Authors: docwho2100 & pprbckwrtr

Rating: R

Disclaimer: Nikki & Nora are the property of Nancylee Myatt and Warner Bros. Television. No infringement intended.

A/N: Sequel to Lex Talionis.

Chapter 6

Dusk - a moment between day and night. Neither one nor the other; something separate from both and yet dependent upon day and night, without them, there could be nothing in-between. A middle must have a beginning and end to exist, right? But is day the beginning or is the night? And is dusk something that truly exists or is it more a chimera stuck between day and night?

Nora didn’t really care about the nuances of the existence of dusk; she was more concerned right now with trying not to slip off the 60 centimeters wide, unfinished green and pink granite masonry ledge that she was inching along. Her sneakers were a bit worn in the soles, Nikki had been trying to get the blonde to go shopping and replace them for a few weeks; ever since Nora had slipped in the squad room and did a complete face plant in front of half the unit.

It did not help matters that dusky sky was even darker, heavier and more morbid than usual thanks to the thick, black storm clouds that had been casting a very wet net over the city for the last few hours. This state of the atmosphere had produced a series of rainstorms, a heavy downpour just now easing up, leaving the ledge surface extremely slippery. The rain had hit the blonde drowning her. Her normally feathery hair now plastered to her face in a stringy mask, t-shirt and jeans clinging to her like a transparent veil.

She let herself be distracted for a moment, hoping Nikki had gotten through; that backup would be arriving soon. She sure as hell was not trained for this. She had wanted to take this case back; bullying Nikki to come with her and stop by Alicia Montgomery's office to question her again. It hit them right away that something was wrong as there was no detail in front of the building and no officers up on the floor where Mrs. Montgomery's office was located. About to call it in, they heard screams. Splitting up, it was Nora that witnessed Mrs. Montgomery being dragged out the window of her office on the tenth floor. She'd immediately gone out after the designer and her abductor.

And that was her current state; edging forward on a .60 meter ledge ten stories above the cold, flooded sidewalk below. She looked up from watching her feet slide along the ledge, trying to sweep some of her hair to the side so she could better see her target up ahead.

It was him, the White King.

She felt a gust of wind, grabbing hold of a drainpipe, cursing how there'd not been a hint of the blowing air on the street level, but up here… Up here it was a whole different world and game.


They were playing his game now. His… She'd heard him laughing as Alicia was screaming, the laugh masculine. Or at least she thought it was a male… maybe this was just another one of his, her, the King's tricks. It seemed this was something he got off on, playing some twisted game, creating a series of illusions and false perceptions. She heard a siren and smiled even as she started toward the others once more. There was something she could count on, Nikki. She was sure the brunette had called for backup.

"Dear god help me, let me go!" the shrill scream cut through her drifting musings.

The attacker and attackee had neared the end of the protruding stone pathway, a tug of war going on as the two grappled for the upper hand, which in this case meant who stayed on the ledge. Frozen, Nora took in a large breath and somehow found the courage to rush forward as the two were struggling.

"No, damn it, don't." Nora yelled, trying to be heard above the rain and wind. Her cries were in vein as what she had guessed might be the final checkmate occurred. She jerked forward, seeing the white business suit clad form of Alicia Montgomery disappear over the edge.

She wasn't sure how it happened, the fading light making it hard to discern details, but either way the result was Alicia was now hanging from the ledge, either pushed or having fallen. Her abductor had moved to the corner of the building, climbing above one of the garrulous gargoyles, the ancient figure a mixture of green, black and white. The attacker seemed unconcerned the woman now dangled from the ledge. He perched like a pigeon, or perhaps a better term was vulture, eagerly awaiting the outcome, scrutinizing every movement Nora made.

Moving as fast as she dared, Nora continued forward, keeping an eye on the shadowy figure as well as the screaming fashion designer. The designer kept trying to clutch to the edge, the intricate carved surface oily and grimy, lubricated by the rain. The King tilted his head and pointed at his chest, holding his hands out in supplication. He then pointed at Alicia with a similar gesture. Nora was sure this was a silent communication to indicate she had a choice, who would she pursue?

"Bastard…" She spat and lunged forward, just grabbing Alicia's wrists as the woman was about to slip. The detective stretched her legs out along the ledge, trying to find the strength to hold on, her mind trying to sort through options; options that were few and far between at this point.

She took in a deep breath and managed to roll her body, getting a foot against a grotesque, grinning dragon. Pivoting, she found she could use her body as a lever and began to pull Alicia up.

A scuffling sound drew her gaze to the corner, to the criminal, to the perverted soul enjoying the show. She turned away from his distraction; she had to focus on Alicia and pulling her to safety. However her peripheral vision still caught something, a shape she could identify anywhere, anytime and it always had the same effect on her; he was pointing a gun at them. Even if her hands had been free she could not have defended herself any better as she did not have her weapon. She still flinched and recoiled a bit, her left hand sliding a bit toward her hip, instinct taking over, something her many years on the force had drummed into her.

The man shook his head no, slowly back and forth three times, waving the index finger of his free hand at Nora as if scolding her. The detective held her breath as the man drew a steady line and pulled the trigger. A hiccup escaped her lips followed by a strangled laugh; there was no sound of a gunshot; instead of a bullet, a rod shot out from the gun, a small banner proclaiming "bang" hanging from the rod. The gun was nothing more than a movie prop.

"What the hell?" Nora thought she had been pulled into some surreal universe reminiscent of Looney Tunes or other weird cartoon. A sharp set of nails clawing at her arm pulled her from the disbelieving stupor she was sinking into and realigned her focus on where it should be, pulling the businesswoman onto the ledge.

Red and blue lights began piercing the darkening street below. "Hang on, almost there," Nora gasped, her arms straining and pulling. Relief somehow flooding through her as she knew backup was here. She could hear someone calling her name, as if in the far distance. So close… She could do this.

The explosive roar scared her, so loud and so near; the weight suddenly tripling at the end of her arms, threatening to pull her over. Panting, she jabbed her foot deeper into a crevice, trying to gain a better stronghold, trying to figure out what had happened. The rain was beginning to fall faster, pelting her skin, her hands starting to slip along the slick skin, the weight too much for her tired arms.

Just as she thought she was unable to hold out, arms were around her, voices, pulling her back. They'd done it. They'd managed to hold out and triumph… Nora blinked as something seemed wrong. Why was there a large red spot on the front of Mrs. Montgomery's white suit? Mrs. Montgomery was a fashion designer and consultant, why would she make a horrible gaffe with clashing colors? Nora's thoughts tripped along as she and the other woman were hauled back from the dangerous edge.

Somehow they made it back to the security of the office. It had seemed like an eternity since Nora had passed through this window. Now she was once more going through, falling in a weary heap into Nikki's arms. The momentum caused them both to tumble to the floor. Nora found her arms and legs trembling uncontrollably from the exertion, having held them rigid and tense for so long.

"Did they get him?" She mumbled into Nikki's chest, unaware someone was throwing a towel around her as Nikki sat them both up.

"He seems to have disappeared, again." Nikki replied.

About to curse, Nora stopped; there was something wrong with Nikki's voice. Green eyes looked up, hesitating as they met the dark brown eyes watching her, eyes that were filled with sympathy. "What?"

Nikki shook her head slowly, her eyes watery.

"What?" She asked again. She was about to expound on her question when she saw the EMTs moving away. When had they gotten here and why were they looking dour? She looked past them, to the prone figure across the room. So stiff, so silent, so…

Nora swallowed hard and looked back to Nikki, "Oh Nik, it wasn't enough."

"Shhh, Nora, honey." Nikki wavered, wanting, needing to comfort Nora and yet the small space between them was more insurmountable then trying to leap across the Grand Canyon as they were on duty.


Nikki swallowed hard and stood up, barely able to contain her emotions, the childlike quality to Nora's voice and the lost look in those green eyes almost too much. She had to get them home.

She moved to speak to the leading officers, using the story of needing to get Nora's injuries looked at and they'd be down first thing in the morning. Even as one of the officers had started to backpedal, Nikki had stepped up the charm and authority, finally winning the reprieve.

After a few more words, she came back to Nora, noting the blonde had not moved from the position Nikki had left her in, the detective still looking at Alicia Montgomery's body. Taking in a deep breath, pushing her feelings down deep, she put an arm around Nora, guiding the blonde to her feet.

"Time to go Nora, they'll take care of her from here."

Nora's lips pushed out, her expression one Nikki had not really seen before. She gave Nikki a simple nod and then leaned heavily into Nikki's supportive arm. Thanking the high heavens that Nora was allowing more intimate contact, she immediately took advantage, wrapping Nora up in a protective hold so she could take her partner home.

fic, nikki & nora

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