Title: The Vieux Carré Takes Care of Her Own - 8/8
Author: docwho2100
Fandom and Pairing: Nikki/Nora - F/F
Timing: This is the seventh in a series. It takes place after the TV pilot and after the stories "I Want Them", "Dark Lady", "Firsts", "Seconds", "Delaney C.O.D. or D.O.A." and "Mississippi Straddle" - you can find these stories here -
home.comcast.net/~jstratton1/storywebsite/nikkinora/index.htm Rating: R
Disclaimer: Nikki & Nora are the property of Nancylee Myatt and Warner Bros. Television. No infringement intended.
Author's notes
small references to events from DOA
http://www.lareecarucker.com/pages/southernbelle.htm and
http://ashlandbelle.com/Belles.html - for an interesting look at southern ladies/southern belles
Chapter 8
"You know, sometimes, I just hate this." Nora sighed as she shut off the engine, glancing at the building across the street.
Nikki reached out, placing a hand on Nora's shoulder, glad the blonde did not flinch away; she had been so distant and skittish since yesterday. "Not just since yesterday, more like since..." She trailed off not wanting to give voice to the event that continued to hang silently over almost everything they did.
"More like what?" Nora asked, undoing her seat belt.
"Oh, nothing, just thinking about timing. I really do wish things had gone differently. Maybe if Antonio had not traded shifts with the serviceman who normally did Gosser's place..."
"And if wishes were horses, Bobby would be a lot happier..." Nora deadpanned. "We can play this game all day Nikki. Maybe if Antonio had not faked his work papers to come to the States because he was so desperate to save his sick family... see?"
"Amazing what desperation can make one do." Nikki mused as she undid her belt.
Nora leaned on the steering wheel, not daring to look at Nikki as she asked the question that had been on her mind since the interview and they had found out Antonio had been hired to kill Nadine and Gosser, the pest serviceman desperate to earn money for his family. "Would you kill for someone?"
The question had been tucked in Nora's mind during her stay in the hospital after being rescued from the box. The idea had been born during one of those drug-hazed conversations with her father; the words forgotten, but the message remained. Everyone needed someone to care for and someone to care for them. When would she settle down and find someone who would fit that bill and make her mother and herself happy? Her older brother had made a joke about Nora needed to find someone who could stomach her temper and the stubborn streak she possessed that had almost gotten her killed so many times. Life was all about finding someone who meant more than anything else; or so proclaimed her father and brother.
Nikki said nothing as she opened the door, swinging her long legs out, her body turning away from Nora. In a fluid, graceful movement, she pulled herself from the car. "I am my mother's daughter. Yes Nora, I would." Her answer was quiet, casual, devoid of emotion as she shut the door, walking in front of the car and crossing the street.
Her jaw clenching tight, Nora got out of the car, saying nothing as she followed after her partner.
"Ah, detectives, we have been expecting you," Pauline answered the door, waving the two officers to follow. "A friend in the precinct called to let us know we were having company. We made extra tea. The peppermint is fresh from Jenna's garden." The secretary moved into the sitting room, Jenna and Lauralee already sitting around a small table.
"We didn't come here for..." Nora paused as she felt a light touch on her wrist. She looked down, Nikki's fingers brushing along her hand as the brunette moved forward, taking a seat at the table with the three VCPS officers.
"Thank you ladies for serving us. Your hospitality is fitting as always."
Jenna beamed and served Nikki, "Of course, we are southern women who follow the traditional values; there is never an excuse for rudeness. To act like a ruffian, it is beneath us."
"And having two people killed is not acting like a..." Nora blurted out, stopping midstream as Nikki swiveled to glance at her, a few of the ladies clucking their tongues.
"The Quarter lives and breathes as sure as you and I." Lauralee picked up the conversation. "That is why the VCPS exists, to protect her. We take care of our family. That is all we were doing."
"And Michael and Nadine were attacking and destroying your family?" Nikki asked.
Pauline reached out and patted the back of Nikki's hand, "Exactly dear. I knew you were better than your father. Even though you live on the borders, you are sympathetic." The woman's face soured. "Most of your generation are not that caring; they do not understand tradition, culture, community. They only seek to tear down everything we have worked for; they are swept away in the foolish notion that progress means turning their back on heritage and the rich history that whispers through every brick and stone." Pauline drew back, putting her hand on her chest as she accepted a tissue from Jenna, dabbing at her eyes.
"So you decided to help the Quarter by removing the threat."
"And helping that poor man and his family. It is terrible what he is going through. Jenna, Pauline and I tried to find a way to help him. He was so proud and would not take the money directly."
"Clara was not involved?" Nora interjected, picking up on the omission.
"Oh no, she was busy with other events and did not attend the uplifting dinner where we were given the sign." Lauralee answered.
Nikki sipped at her tea, leaning forward, "Sign?"
"It was a fundraiser to bring attention to historic architecture. The key speaker gave a motivating speech about needing to preserve and protect and that many used foul, underhanded tactics that the current political zeitgeist is pushing." Jenna pushed her hand on the table to emphasize the statement. "That young man said we should take matters into our own hands. He was very encouraging, describing how these newer laws allow for a cheapening of our presence and vile lowlife to overrun and infest the purity of the city."
Nora heard a noise and turned to see uniforms had arrived. She moved, telling them to wait, she knew Nikki needed to understand what had driven these three women to take the actions they had. She could tell Nikki felt there was more to this; that she needed to dig deeper.
"He told you to kill Nadine and Gosser?" Nikki pressed, scooting to the edge of her seat.
"Not directly," Pauline replied, puckering her lips a bit. "He just reminded us how the Quarter had risen and survived oppressive forces in the past when courageous individuals rose up, sacrificing their own personal comforts so they could take to removing the pests that gnawed at the infrastructure. As soon as he said pests, we all knew that was the sign."
The treasurer picked up the story. "We came up with an indirect way to help Antonio since he would not take charity as he is a man who is too proud for his own good. Just like you dear."
Nora grunted, startled as Lauralee had addressed that comment to her. "What?"
"Well given your family history and how they have stubbornly refused help in the past. But we are used to that, dealing with those less fortunate who bite the hand that feeds them. We proposed he earn the money. As that inspiring Cantrell had said, group synergy is a powerful force. We followed his advice and found a unique way to remove the Quarter's pests." Lauralee giggled at the irony of the situation.
"Ragamuffins and scalawags have had the run of our city for much too long. Criminals seem to be the ones in control; I do believe the tail is wagging the dog." Jenna gave Lauralee a stern look to quiet the giggles. "So yes, we found a solution when no one else could. The culture and community are preserved, Antonio's daughter will receive the medical treatment she needs and we have been true to who we are; we have not sold out as so many others have."
The vice president looked at Nikki, "Can you say the same Detective? Can you say you have remained true to who you are and what you believe in?" She looked to Nora, "Or have you compromised and hidden your true self away behind an image you want others to see?"
Nora watched as the uniforms helped the ladies into the squad cars, her thoughts spinning as she continued to process the events of the last few days. She turned her head a little, still watching the scene, a nod to acknowledge Nikki's presence as the brunette joined her.
"I called Daddy. He's already gotten lawyers set and on their way. I don't know exactly what can be done, but..."
"It feels wrong, doesn't it?"
"Yeah, kinda, I mean it is never right to take matters into your own hands, they were wrong, but it feels like the victims are being locked up as..."
"The wolf in sheep's clothing walks around."
Nikki placed a hand lightly on the small of Nora's back, it was only for an instant, but the touch one that conveyed her support.
Nora turned, smiling at Nikki. "Let's go finish the paperwork and then I am taking you out. I feel the need to be away from all of this," She waved her hand in a circle to indicate not just the scene but the entire area.
"Take me away oh brave knight. And no matter what Nora, Honey, we done good."
Nora's lips twitched to the side in doubt, an expression so brief it was missed by Nikki, a smile quickly replacing the look as the thoughts producing the expression were shoved away. "Yeah, you're right, we did."