Well, for almost a year now I've been telling some of you that I'd take a picture of my desk. And I had taken a picture, it was just stuck on my camera for a few months. This pic is from when I first set up my desk; it is now rather messy. Also, I have my Ikkaku plushie standing next to my Zaraki plushie. I still have to find a home for my
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Oh, and I've had that pirate song from the Anime Punch OP skit stuck in my head the last few days. :P
BTW, do you have any Ikkaku figures? do they make ikkaku figures. I know you have the plushie.
Well, I better get going. I have to clean the whole house before I leave for California early Sunday.
I don't think they've made any Ikkaku figures yet. I have seen an Ikkaku figure keychain, but that's about it. But if they ever do make an Ikkaku figure, you can be sure that I'll get it! ^_^
Cleaning, it never ends does it?
If I don't talk to you before, have a great trip to CA! ^_^
Hope that works, but there's an OP PotC3 trailer
That OP group did an awesome job! It was hilarious! I’m still laughing from it hahaha Thanks for sharing Cloadia!
And yeah, that OP group skit was really good! It's too bad we weren't able to see the actual skits at the convention, but we'll to our best to next year. I did see the Zoro and Sanji cosplayers coming out of the ladies' room, though, hehe.
lol, are you serious? haha!
Thanks for sharing this video. Everyones sharing videos! LOL
Sounds like LazyTown is good. I never knew about it until I came across the PotC mv. The song is very catchy and we'll probably all have it stuck in our head for days!
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