Watch the world around

Jun 16, 2006 14:55

Today has been great. It really has, and what a boost for the self-esteem that is. I even felt like charcoaling a little while ago, and I still might take myself up on that suggestion.

Mom asked me to stay home to help prepare for tomorrow's garage sale, which looks like it isn't going to happen right now. It's almost three, and we have done absolutely nothing. I even got up semi-early so that I could make my usual gym trip. I think she really just wanted me home to party, since I haven't had an actual "stay at home" day like this since I've been back. When looking through boxes of stuff to sell, Ross found the old Nintendo64 games that we of course had to pull out and play. We teamed up for some good old-fashioned Banjo Kazooie for an hour or so, and now he's in the shower getting ready to go over to his girlfriend's house. She's leaving tomorrow for camp, so he and I are going to have some quality bonding time for the next two weeks. We reminisced on all our old N64 drama, such as with Mario Party. He and I would always say that we would protect each other, but of course that never happened because either he or I would slip up and actually attack one another, or I would do it on purpose because I felt like being a jerk and winning. It was always sweet victory. Every time I would do that, though, he would threaten to delete my game, and I would just take off and leave. What adorable siblings. He told me today that he actually never would have done that; too much time spent goes into loading up the worlds in those stupid games, but I always semi-believed him anyway and would yell for Mom. So typical us. I think we're going to go see Nacho Libre tomorrow, if not Sunday. I am beyond excited now, because I have been waiting for this moment since the beginning of the year. Jack Black just makes me die from laughter multiple times. I can't handle him, I love him so.

Allie and I hit up the Mat Kearney/Joshua Radin concert last night, and it was fantastic. We both were tired, but I really, really enjoyed it. I think I might need to download his CD. I already have his main song that's been hitting up 92.9, but I want more. We also met some cool people, Theresa and her boyfriend/husband Steve (we're not sure what their relationship status is, actually) and Michelle with her hubby, Randy. They were really, really awesome, and by awesome I mean 35 plus year-olds dancing drunkenly and having big, non-see-through heads. I definitely want to have drinks with them some time. Or they can just pay me to baby-sit.

(Allie and I had a fun time creating plot lines for these four characters. They were absolutely wonderful. Randy and Steve couldn't stop talking about golf the entire time! But how Steve and Theresa met is just priceless. Get this: they met at a homeowner's meeting at their condo association. I guess it was just love at first sight, Hawaiian shirts, visors, and all.)

All for now. Time to have more fun hanging out at the house on a work day.


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