Nov 06, 2008 14:15
SO much I wanna say.
I'm feeling very melancholy. I know the reason why but unless I manage to find a knight in shining armor who won't mind it getting a bit rusty around the shoulders I can't change that.
Time for a brain dump:
My roommate is a fool. I have stopped talking to her simply because I don't want to listen to the fictitious stories she tells about her supposedly large family. Not that has stopped her from telling her tall tales, but if I quit responding she goes away eventually. Funny how her tales are NEVER backed up by a news report. This, alone, has made me intolerant of lies.
I wanna be accepted for being me. The one person that seems to do this is my daughter; and she loves momma weirdness, it takes us to the most interesting places. Who knew a 4 yer old could enjoy Aaron Copeland.
I just read a romance story with a character that dressed a lot like Ashrue. Not identical, but the whole clashing colors thing. I SWEAR I fell in love with the character. I guess there is a lot more of Ashrue in me then I often care to admit.
I have missed writing in my LJ.
I got an off the cuff marriage proposal 2 weeks ago. The guy was not really serious, but it was a damn nice thing to hear!
I have amazing friends. There are people who are angels/faeries on earth. They know who they are because I keep telling them. Too bad more of us can't be angels/faeries. (I'm neither, I am an elf in good standing! My dad is one of Santa's special helpers so I am an elf by default.) brain is not empty; although there are those who think I have, within the last year, think I have become incapable of thinking for myself. But I think I am done for the moment.