Title: The Pasadena Psychopath Paradigm
ladychiUniverses: Criminal Minds/The Big Bang Theory
Pairings (may not be that relevant, just implied): Prentiss/Reid, Sheldon/Penny
Summary: Penny goes missing, and Sheldon calls an old friend for help.
Author's Note: This is an experiment.... We'll see how it goes. This story completely ignores Amy
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(And you developed better than I would, lol)
I adore every single sentence. I've been wondering for MONTHS why the fandom hasn't extrapolated Sheldon with Spencer. Both favorite characters, both kind of insane, and so, so lovable. My idea was of adversarial nature, but yours is simply AWESOME.
I can't wait to read more! And I fear so much for Penny! Please continue soon! :3
Also, I've been working Reid's character and, while I believe he's head over heels with JJ, I find this particular story, and Spencer pairing up with Emnily something ver, very enjoyable. :D
Again, I fear for Penny. My gods, I hope she doesn't get too brutalized. D:
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