I was tagged by _missmargaret_

Dec 08, 2011 21:08

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. You have to choose 11 people to tag.
4. No tag backs.

I tag... no one. Do this if you want!

01. Do you like your tea hot or cold?
Yes. I just like tea. But if it's iced, it's plain old Lipton with lemon. If it's hot, it's probably Stashed chai tea with steamed milk and sugar.

02. What is your favorite historical era and why?
In American history I'm quite fond of the Gilded Age leading up to the Depression, with Prohibition and all that nonsense. And the Civil War.

03. At three in the morning, we all feel like we can conquer the world. What 3AM dream do you wish you'd actually accomplished?
Published a novel! LOL. I'm getting there.

04. Who's the more badass animal: Tigers or Elephants?
Honeybadgers. ...Wait. Was that not an option? It should have been!

05. What is a skill you wish you had more time to cultivate?
Basic sewing skills. I can kinda-sorta-maybe hem pants. As long as no one's ever going to look at them.

06. Have you ever photoshopped yourself or someone you know into a meme? (Pics or it didn't happen, for extra credit.)
Have to say no.

07. What book(s) has influenced your life in the most profound way? Why?
Um -- let's see. I guess I can't really say there's a book that influenced me in the most profound way, other than perhaps the Bible... as cheesy as that is.

08. If you could choose between writing for an audience of strangers or writing only for your family and friends, which would you choose?
I like to rely on the kindness of strangers.

09. Internet Jane Austen Fanfic or Someone Actually Got This Published and Into a Bookstore JAFF?
Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife, all the way. SMOKING hot. And, you know. Interesting. Perhaps more interesting than Austen's novel.

10. What is the one political (not necessarily social) issue that gets you fired up?
Um, pick one. I'm Pro-Life. I tend to be moderately conservative on all other things and I'm passionate about politics, so everything gets me fired up.

11. Who are your favorite male and female characters (from a book/television show/movie) and why?
Favorite male character: This is... tough. But probably my favorite male character of all time is probably.... ugh, God. I can't even... Hm. Probably Remus Lupin. No. Raylan Givens. No... Seeley Booth.

Okay, honestly? Give a man a past that haunts him and a gun and I'm pretty good.
Favorite female character: Willow. From Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Yeah, that's all she wrote on that.

And these are my questions for you, flisters!
01. What is absolutely essential for you to enjoy a story? Not your pet peeve, but that one quality which is universal to the things you enjoy.
02. How do you take your tea?
03. Favorite holiday treat?
04. Is giving truly better than receiving?
05. If you could have one household chore permanently removed from your to-do list, what would it be?
06. What inspires you?
07. What's your internet guilty pleasure? You know, that one thing that you should be too cool to enjoy, and yet, you totally do?
08. What book do you recommend I pick up to read over the holidays? Or have you stopped reading books?
09. Pepsi or Coke. (And yes, I will judge you if you choose incorrectly).
10. Do you enjoy watching sports? If so, what is your favorite team?
11. And finally... if heaven exists, what do you want to hear God say to you as you approach the pearly gates?

questions, meme

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