Title: By the Time the Dew Had Gone
ladychiCharacters: Jed/Abbey
Summary: Prompt was "hours". Warning for angst.
By the Time the Dew Had Gone
They had all come the day before - his daughters, their husbands, their children, to say good-bye. Adopted children, former staff… they came to pay their respects. He had mostly been unaware. In the early hours of the morning, he was suddenly lucid.
He was suddenly her husband again.
“Abigail,” he’d rasped, and he’d reached for her. “You should be in bed.”
“You should be asleep.”
He’d waved a hand. “I can sleep later.”
She heard the unsaid phrase: I can sleep when I’m dead. She grasped his hand. “I wish you’d get some rest.”
“Let me enjoy these last few hours with you.”
Her eyes filled with tears. “Okay.”
Hands held, they waited as the sun rose. By the time the dew was gone, so was he.
Title: The Whole-Family Christmas
ladychiCharacters: Josh/Donna
Summary: Prompt was "meet the family". As you might imagine... hilarity ensues.
The Whole-Family Christmas
“I just don’t understand why this is necessary.”
Donna removed her luggage from the baggage claim and rolled her eyes at Josh. “Wisconsin? Wisconsin is very necessary, Josh.”
“No! This… whole… with the everyone being there and the…”
“Christmas?” Donna handed him a suitcase. “Christians do Christmas with their families, Josh. Did we or did we not go to Florida for Chanukah?”
“Yes, but that was my mother!”
“And this is my family.”
“Yes. Your whole family.”
“Your whole family, Donna. All 87 of them.”
Donna rolled her eyes. “Please, Josh. That’s only the one day.”
“I’m just saying - there should be a reward for my compliance here. I’m being brave and tolerant. You should, I don’t know…”
“Give you a dog biscuit?”
“Ye-No! I’m saying there should be a reward. Like, you know… a costume or something.”
Donna paused. “A what?”
“You know. With like - fur.”
“My father is standing right behind you.”
“Oh.” Joshua swallowed. “Well, this is a good start.”