Questions from Cath, Kyrina, and Mysti

Jun 08, 2011 23:57

1. What was your favorite thing about high school?
Oh God. That was a long time ago... Hm. I guess it was just the group of friends I had at the time? But you have to understand that so much of that period of my life is tinted by (undiagnosed) depression that it's hard to look at it in a positive light.

2. What have you learned about yourself from your last 3 romantic relationships?
Primarily that I shouldn't be in them? LOL. No. I tend to get attached quickly and I need someone who is... pretty attentive to me. I need someone who can roll with my moods. I've also learned that I need to back off and let the guy I'm with just... be. Sometimes. Which is hard.

3. Do you think you and your parents will ever be at peace with each other?
My Dad? Probably not. We have a very tempestuous relationship. My Mom and I are fine so long as we're not living together.

4. If you were on death row, what would you choose for your last meal?
I have a stomach flu right now. So. I will skip this question.

5. Do you want to travel? If so, to where?
I love traveling. I've been to DC, Baltimore, Charlotte, Denver, Boulder, Seattle, San Francisco, the Grand Canyon... lots and lots of places. I would love to go to Europe. I would love to go to Chicago or New York. Lots and lots of places.


1. If you could summarise what your Christian faith means to you what would you say?
A rock in a tempest. A lifeline at sea. A continuous challenge in the face of rationality. A light in the darkness. An answer for an unaskable question.

...But mostly I just say that it works for me. It eases the hard times, and enhances the joys. Faith... is a light unto my path. But it certainly is not easy for me.

2. How is it that ur able to write multi-chapter case fic? & one shots that make me tear up from perfection? Wait, that might be hard for YOU to answer. If so, please go with 2b.<

2b. How do these great ideas come to you? Do you have any training in writing?
The first question made me laugh, but you're right. It IS unanswerable. I've been writing pretty seriously since I was 13 -- and I'm 23 now. I've found (almost) what works for me. I've taken a few classes but mostly -- I've just learned from trial and error. Ideas most often come to me in the shower. True story.

3.Tell me about 2 fandoms: ur absolute fave & ur newest love.
Absolute fave? Probably Doctor Who. I fell in love with writing again when I encounter that fandom, and my growth as a writer was... exponential.

My newest love? Probably rediscovering NCIS fanfiction. I have always loved the characters but I have enjoyed diving back into fandom to reexamine THOSE characters. the end, it's ALWAYS all about characters for me.

4. If money was no object what would you do with the next 12 months of your life?
Take my laptop and a backpack and a fistful of airplane tickets and travel the US, visiting friends and writing.

5.What's ur fave song & why? OR What/who is ur go to thing/person when u feel like crap?
My favorite song is "Hallejuah", by Jeff Buckley. Pain and joy and heart-break and transience... all in one song.

I go to katmorning whenever I feel like crap. She's the older sister I've never had.


1. What do you think is the most interesting thing you've done?
I've... been to the top of the St. Louis Arch and the Space Needle? I'm not a very interesting person.

2. What work (fanfic or original) do you feel ended up surprising you the most?
Fanfic: Evolution of Rose... it became this... slice of my own life in this... almost perfect way. I still love to read it.
Original: Leaven of Malice... from the first draft to this final draft... it's completely changed tone and message and yet it's still something that interests me.

3. What prerequisite class for your degree would you exchange or two less tedious ones if you could?
Any science class. I hate science classes.

4. Do you feel periods of depression help/hinder your writing?
Hinder. I went through a period of my life where I was all "I am my depression and my depression is me" and I've determined that's bullshit. I ultimately write better when I feel better.

5. Favourite flavour of ice cream?
Cherry Garcia or Half-baked Ben & Jerry's. I can't pick!

meme, real life, interview, writing, depression

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