2010: A Year in Writing

Jan 01, 2011 19:56

Words Written: 166,019 (this works out to about 3200 words a week, which is okay, considering how tumultuous this year has been for me, from a health perspective).

I came across a list of New Year's Writing Resolutions from 2010, so let's see how I did, and then make a new list.

1) Try a new fandom?
Check. As a matter of fact, I tried several -- Buffy, Bones, Justified...

2) Manage my fandom time better. Only enter challenges and ficafests when I know I have adequate time to complete the challenges to the best of my ability
I actually dropped out of a few ficathons and maintained my sanity. I will consider this resolution achieved.

3) Make draft #4 of Leaven of Malice the best it possibly can be. Strive not to irritate the crap out of flist with original writing talk.
I hope I didn't irritate the crap out of you, but I did up the quotient on the sheer AMOUNT of original fiction posted to this journal. It was generally well received by those who read it.

4) Write something in a new style
I definitely attempted non-fantasy writing seriously for the first time... ever. I will consider this resolution achieved.

5) Try writing more poetry
I wrote uh... two poems? Which is more than I thought would write! Yay me!

NEW New Year's Resolutions
1. Resolved: That I will finish and begin a very serious attempt to publish Leaven of Malice.

2. Resolved: That I will convert Silver Dollar Paradigm to an original novel. I will do actual Serious Research for this project and not pansy out.

3. Resolved: If I do not achieve these things, it will be okay.


And now... a meme!

Leitmotif of the year: Grief, and life changes. Most of my writing this year has centered on how you move from one stage of life to the next. How you get through the horrible days in your life. Psychoanalytically, I'd say I have some issues about being left behind. That's a theme as well, this year.

Overall thoughts: This was the year that I think I said good-bye to fanfiction as a full-time occupation. I don't sit around thinking about fics I'd love to write if I had the time. I'm much more invested in my original worlds. I think, generally, it's a good place for me to be as I try to make this my profession. At the same time, I think I won't be able to let fanfiction go completely, ever.

My best story of this year: Oh, hmm. This is a difficult choice, but I think just in terms of doing the best work in a short amount of time is probably Burden of Life.

My favorite story of this year: It's self-indulgent and porny, but I love Smeared: The Watermelon Lipgloss Incident.

Story of mine most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Maybe the latter half of Senator in the Scarecrow.

Most fun story to write: On the Unexpected Romantical Effectiveness of Thermo-Dynamically Underperforming Metatarsals

Story with the single sexiest moment: Smeared... I'd tell you when it is but it's positively pornographic. Or possibly Burdens, when Booth tells Bones he'd like to do very grown-up things with her.

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: Don't know that I wrote anything really cracky... Oh wait. Senator. Sweets/Rebecca. :D

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Leaven of Malice definitely changed the most, in terms of characters.

Hardest story to write: Is the same as biggest disappointment. The Footbridge.

Biggest Disappointment: See above.

Biggest Surprise: Probably Faith. I love "Bones" and I've been a lurker in the fandom for a while but I had no intention of writing fic. It just flew out of me.

Most Unintentionally Telling Story: Burden of Life -- I was contemplating suicide at the time of writing it.

Story I haven't yet written, but intend to: An original version of The Silver Dollar Paradigm. That's all I'm committing to publicly.

meme, resolutions

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