Title: The Senator in the Scarecrow [Chapter Fourteen: The Lollipop Guild]
ladychiBeta Babes:
cathmarchrGraphic Banner & Custom Icon:
ladyredravenCharacters/Pairings: Booth/Brennan, Hodgins/Angela, Cam, Sweets, Wendell, Clark, Parker Booth, various OCs
Rating: M for language, graphic violence and graphic sex
Summary: It's August in western Kansas and a Senator's
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I wanted you to know that I laughed so hard at this I cried. I really enjoy writing these stories, so it's nice to see that they're so appreciated!
It's so funny because when I think of Parker I think of little tiny season one Parker and forget that he's a boy now! Your version of him is so believable and so much more fleshed out, and it is a great element of this story!
I have to fight myself with that instinct sometimes, too! Part of me was going, "You can't put him in danger! He's so wee!" but really he's not anymore, you know?
blockquote>Can't wait to hear what happens next! Parker is going to be okay, right? RIGHT?!!
I can't say whether Parker's going to be okay or not. I can say that he is very much like his father. And he's resourceful.
I'm so glad you liked Angela and Hodgins, too! They're so much fun to write!
(I promise, tomorrow afternoon you'll be getting files from me, btw. Sorry to have been made of such suck!)
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