Title: The Senator in the Scarecrow [Chapter Fourteen: The Lollipop Guild]
ladychiBeta Babes:
cathmarchrGraphic Banner & Custom Icon:
ladyredravenCharacters/Pairings: Booth/Brennan, Hodgins/Angela, Cam, Sweets, Wendell, Clark, Parker Booth, various OCs
Rating: M for language, graphic violence and graphic sex
Summary: It's August in western Kansas and a Senator's
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Yeah -- Parker very much wants to be his Dad (at least at this stage in his life. I'm sure he'll go through a phase where he'll resent Booth a little for just... being Booth), and that's a theme that comes across a lot in this chapter and the next. He wants to do the right thing, and he wants to be a hero. And I think that comes from Booth -- who really has this straight-up morality about him that's enviable in anyone.
Mrs. Hoake is modeled after my grandmother, who is serious love.
Wow. I havent gotten to the end yet I am so typing as I read babe... Just wow. Booth's gonna TRIP!!!! GOOD awesome Parker for knowing right away CALL DAD!!! OMG do you set a scene like WOW.
Oh yeah. Booth's gonna flip a little bit... this is a lot to handle on top of the issues he's already dealing with.
I know I have said a thousand times about just how damn well you set a scene but this? Here is incredible. My damn blood ran cold. You have a gift honey. also OMFG!!!
Aww, sweetie. You make me blush, you really do. So glad you're enjoying this!
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