Busy, Busy, Busy ... & Good Excitng News!

Feb 23, 2010 18:38

*waves* Hi everyone. I'm on my lunch break!

Er... supper.


Things have been extremely busy at casa de Chi lately. I've got a number of ongoing creative (fandom) projects:
- Fic for the who_like_giants ficathon, which I will be posting on 17 March. It features Zach and Ida from the Sanctuary Base. No working title as of yet for this one.
- Fic for the Ten II/Rose alt!verse season: Tentatively titled Champagne Floozies.
- Fic for takingitinturns, just as soon as I receive my assignment
AND, of course:
- Finishing The Feather and the Mountain, one chapter a week.

In the meantime, I am also teaching myself to play the guitar, working 30 hours a week and going to school. As you can imagine, I'm always a little zonked and I've stretched myself just a liiiiittle too thin.

NOW, for the exciting news, if you haven't already heard.

I've sold a microfiction to Circlet Press, which is a small press that focuses on original erotic fiction. It will be featured as their Friday microfiction on April 2nd, so check that out. It's called Earth and Air, by KJ Rhodes

The most exciting thing about this is that I've finally got a foot in the door at a publishing company, and something to put on my resume, cover letters and queries.

One step at a time. One step at a time.

kj rhodes, real life, writing

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