
Nov 25, 2009 00:32

It's the day before Thanksgiving, and only just. Tomorrow I work for a large portion of the day, and given that it's the day before Thanksgiving, and it's at a grocery store, I imagine that when I arrive at home I will be very, very tired.

Tonight I took my Biology test, and did well enough on it to pull my grade into the "A" range. I am very pleased with myself. I also got back that major Children's Lit project and got a 72/75 on it, so I'm pleased with that as well.

I've read the majority of the submissions for the anthology. I'm sorry that I'm not moving as quickly as I had hoped on that, but I'm doing the best that I can. I'm very optimistic that we will have the book out before Christmas, and I know for certain that the cookbook should be available in time for Christmas, as well.

So, I thought I'd start early and do this entry today, while I'm still feeling charitable about the human race.

1. New opportunities
2. My parents
3. My sister and her strength
4. My brother and his girlfriend and their continued support and practical advice.
5. This flist, and all of my real life friends, and the friends that overlap. I started to name you all but realized that would take up more than 50 Things.
6. The continued opportunity to entertain you all.
7. Clean, running water.
8. Heating and Air Conditioning
9. The quilt my grandma made me.
10. Fandom.
11. Meds
12. The fact that I live in a day and age where I can get the help that I need to function.
13. My pets.
14. My bed.
15. My computer
16. High-speed internet and relatively decent download rates.
17. The kids I worked with
18. The people I work with now.
19. The customers that know me by name.
20. The customers I know by name.
21. Danny the mailman.
22. Writing.
23. All the wonderful books I've read this year that made me think again about my vow never t write for children.
24. Coffee
25. Modern plumbing.

I still have a bunch of stuff I want to get done over Thanksgiving break. If you're still missing a Support Stacie fic from me, rest assured that I am constantly thinking about it and clicking away in all of my spare moments to try and get all of these completed. My Catholic guilt is on your side!

Also, I have had several conversations with papilio_luna about allegory and RTD and the different archetypes he uses, and ZOMG I WANT TO WRITE AN ESSAY SO BAD. But I'll be a good girl and get fic done.

On that note, after Support Stacie is completed, I'm taking the month of December off to pursue a lead on an original (erotic) fiction thing I want to try. I imagine that I'll still be writing fic, but consider TARDIS Song Verse on hiatus until January 1.

I think that's pretty much everything I wanted to say...

Have a good holiday, everyone! See you on the flip side.

support stacie, real life, whining, writing

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