Resistance Is Futile - Rosewarren

Nov 07, 2009 20:51

1. What's the piece of fanfic you're proudest of writing? Not necessarily your FAVORITE, but the one that you think is your best work.
Probably, for sheer economy of words, Relativity, although a lot of people would say Evolution of Rose.

2. What's it like being a twin?
What's it like to NOT be a twin? Sorry, automatic response. Um, it's pretty cool? It's created a lot of problems with competition between the two of us, but we have a really strong bond. I don't think anyone other than another twin could understand it.

3. You talk about going to manhattan once in a while. Is that Manhattan, Kansas? What is life like in Kansas? What are the best and worst things about living there? (This one turned into an essay question. Sorry).
Yep, Manhattan is Manhattan, KS. Life here is pretty... I guess pragmatic is a good way to put it? I mean, I'm one generation removed from family farming, and there's very much a sense of getting up in the morning and working your ass off and letting that take you wherever you want to go. Very, very Midwestern in that respect, very blue collar, even among the white collar regions. Best thing about living here? County fairs and rodeos and big, endless skies. Fresh air and land with nothing on it but cows for miles. Worst thing? The weather.

4. You and David Tennant in 1969. What do you do first? :)
David Tennant. :)

5. What is the allure of Doctor Who for you? What keeps you writing and watching?
The problem of near-immortality on a grand scale, the quality of the acting and the writing, the quirkiness, the cheesiness, the quick dialogue, the Doctor's complexity... I just love nearly everything about it. What keeps me writing is the openness of this universe, and how it is completely to do whatever you want. You can do zuit suits one day and pilgrims the next.

meme, interview

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