Strike This One Off the Bucket List...

Aug 13, 2009 19:39

It's a curious dichotomy of my life that I'm both Catholic and extremely casual.

A friend of mine, a friend that has been dear to me since high school (although we recently fell out of touch), came to me last month to ask if I would stand up with her at her wedding to her long-time girlfriend.

Backstory: I was the first person she ever told she was gay, and I told her then that there wasn't anything she could do, anything she could say, that would ever mean that I loved or supported her less, and that I couldn't see God loving her any less, or making her that way any other way than intentionally. It remains trued to this day.

If there's one teaching of the Church that I can't quite wrap my mind around, it's its teaching on homosexuality. I've had it explained to me time and time again, but I just don't Get It. My father calls me a "cafeteria Catholic".

I suppose I am.

Because I'm standing up with M. Not in spite of my beliefs about homosexuality and the meaning of marriage, but because she's my friend, and she's happy. And she's found someone who made her happy, and she's going to be with her, whether I approve or not.

I guess if I'm wrong, God can explain it to me or send me to Hell or whatever. I just think He sent A into M's life for a reason. And I don't think gender matters all that much.

Life is so much broader than what I thought when I was younger -- so varied and wonderful and different. No experience is the same. No definition of anything works for everyone. Whether it's marriage. Or healthcare. Or "free" or "fair".

I just don't know you ascribe to ONE ideaology. Or one view of life. I don't know how you go through life "thoroughly liberal" or "consistently conservative" or... Uber-Catholic. I mean, I'm still that, but -- I'm an Uber-Catholic who writes smut, stands up at gay weddings, and doesn't have much trouble sleeping at night.

I guess I'm just getting more comfortable with hypocrisy.

politics, faith, religion, catholicism

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