Okay, So

Jun 23, 2009 22:14

I keep getting this feeling, like I should let you guys in on what's happening in my life and be more open and not be so-closed off, picky and irritated.

But... I just can't.

The advent of PouFWa made me very open. I saw myself as a crusader, an advocate for young adults with serious mental illnesses (if you don't think depression is a serious mental illness, please, check your baggage at the door because you and I Will Not Get Along.), someone who could and would talk openly about what it's like to deal with this.

But you guys, I'm so tired.

Seriously. It's like -- all I can do to write, go to class, work and sleep. And I can't, and won't give up writing. I've got a ton of e-mails I need to respond to, comments that need thanking for and really, all I want to do is lose myself in a fictional world where I know everything is going to be all right.

The exhaustion I'm feeling isn't normal, and neither is this constant, irrational need to burst into tears. Sadness, exhaustion, lack of interest in blogging about anything significant when I used to love Thinky Thought entries?

At first, I attributed it to being very burned by what happened with the HP fandom. Now, I think I'm going downhill again.

Yeah. Depression sucks. Just FYI.


In other news: I was pitched a professional project the other day that I am... Very Excited about. More information will be forthcoming as it becomes relevant, but i probably won't have much more to say about this for another few months.

I have received the outline for Don't Blink from rosewarren, and... I am a little in love, all over again.

I finished Writer in a TARDIS early! Yatta!

I have started my remix fic! I still have time. *gulp* Okay, so I really need to get it done this weekend.

I have a test tomorrow.

Um... I can't think of anything else, really.

I'll catch you guys later. *runs out the door*

whining, writing, depression

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