Title: Bedtime Stories
Pairing: Ten II/Rose
Rating: Ages
Dedication: For
electrictoes, who recently
stumped me in the Stump the Author challenge. Her request was Ten II & Rose, “sleepy”.
Special Warning for
the_tenzo: Unnamed kid in this one! Duck and cover!
Bedtime Stories
Night settled over London, and Rose went through the house, flipping off lights and locking doors, wiping off the counter one more time before she dragged herself up the stairs to the dimly-lit hallway. She was almost to the room she shared with the Doctor when she heard his voice in their son's room. She peeked her head in and her breath caught.
“Once upon a time,” the Doctor said slowly, stroking his son's cheek, “there was a planet - oh, thousands of miles from here, with an orange sky, and red mountains, and a people lived there that were grand and mighty. They could move back and forth in time, and thought they understood the universe...”
Rose watched the Doctor sigh, and then look out the window. “Thought they understood the universe, until they no longer lived life. And then came the Daleks. There was a war - a war so long and so huge it raged for lifetimes, until a choice had to be made, and the planet - Gallifrey, they called it - sacrificed itself for the sake of the universe, and all of her people with it. Except for one man.
“This two-hearted man thought nothing would ever be right again, not without his people, and he landed his blue box in the middle of London town and went looking for trouble. Something he was good at, I might add.” The Doctor smiled and pushed a lock of blond hair off the child's face. “It turned out a Nestene Consciousness was controlling all the plastic on Earth - and the man knew he had to stop that, and so he followed the trail to a department store. And in the basement of this department store, he met a girl with blonde hair and a quick wit, and the man thought - maybe life would be worth living again.
“And sure enough, they saved the day. Not just that day, but so many days after that. So many, son, until they thought nothing would ever separate them, ever again - the nearly immortal man and his mayfly woman.
“Then came Torchwood and the Void and the separation.” The Doctor swallowed. “For years, they lived without each other until the woman figured out how to move between universes again, for she was very, very clever. Much more clever than the man with two hearts.”
Rose felt tears well in her eyes and she put her hand in her mouth to stop the sound of crying.
“And he saw her - in the middle of the world ending, the very universe falling apart - there she was. At the opposite end of the street - and all he had to do was get there... and the man's love for her was so great, he split in two. One human, one Time Lord.” The Doctor shook himself.
“They faced Daleks again, and won, and brought Earth back home, and held hands on a beach and said goodbye to the immortal man. And came home and lived - and saved the day, but mostly lived. Bought groceries and fought about bills and learned to cook and had a great adventure having you, my son. And - they lived. Happily.” The Doctor looked over at Rose, love bright in his eyes. “Ever after.”