This post is mostly for me, but, first things first:
I updated Silver Dollar Paradigm just as T&C got like... bombed. I don't know what happened, but I posted and 2 hours later, I was the 9th entry down. Grrrrrrr. How am I supposed to get my review crack like that, T&C? (Attention whore? Oh yes. I own it. Diva!Chi. Let the wank begin.)
(Also? Whoever nommed it in the WIP category? ILU. Consider yourself hugged. I got the e-mail tonight and it turned a Really Crappy Night into an Okay one.)
(This entry brought to you by parentheses.)
Okay, so, I pulled out LOM from the files today and took another look. It's still a good story. And just because I got one rejection letter doesn't mean I give up. So with that in mind -- and bearing in mind that I took tonight off, which is the night that I would usually get SDP ready for Thursday, the following is my writing schedule. Y'all can pass over this, or you can read it and laugh at me. (
rosewarren, I don't know what your schedule's like this week so I didn't slot us any time, but I'm always willing to make time for our fic!)
Tomorrow Afternoon:
Collab with
papilio_luna -- finish sex scene
Leaven of Malice -- finish touchups on Council collapse scene
Tomorrow Evening:
Silver Dollar Paradigm -- finish Chapter Six.
Collab with
papilio_luna Wednesday Evening:
wiggiemomsi's ficlet,
catyuy's drabble
Emergency touch-ups to Silver Dollar Paradigm
Synopsis, Leaven of Malice
Collab with
papilio_luna Thursday Evening:
Synopsis, Leaven of Malice
Start seventh chapter of SDP
momdaegmorgan's ficlet
Collab with
papilio_luna Friday Evening:
Taking the damn night off!
dt_sexy_off's maiden voyage is that night!
Saturday Afternoon:
Synopsis, Leaven of Malice
Finish seventh chapter of SDP
Start Support Stacie Fic
Sunday Afternoon:
Synopsis, touch up query letter