I know, like so many of you on my flist, that I am ridiculously hard to please when it comes to fanfic. I review faithfully, and I try to review honestly, but rarely does something spurn me into using my journal to pimp someone else's fic.
I've also gotten into the habit of NOT reading anything that's not by an author I recognize. I've just been in a terrible funk lately. There's no getting around it.
However, I took a chance
doctorsdiva today. And she didn't disappoint.
This is the link and exact description I gave when I added this to my Rec List. (Link in the sidebar).
Endorphins by
doctorsdiva This fic is rated NC-17
Chi says: I've a male friend, Alun, that bemoans fic because so few people understand real love -- how it's the little things in life that speak so eloquently of love. This is a fic about that. Rose is injured in a stupid accident at work. The Doctor can no more sonic screwdriver her pain away than could your boyfriend or husband. Instead, he shows her patient, loving care that will bring you to tears. Eat a bar of chocolate, read this fic. Its erotic nature will sneak up on you, and, like Rose, you'll be surprised at how quickly that tenderness translates believably to smut. Still, it will make you long for a Human Doctor of your own. Brilliant, lovely fic. Well worth the three minutes it will take you to read.