May 16, 2007 21:49
The woman who is buying my house is being lax in letting me know what she wants as far as repairs. She wanted a 30 day escrow, but nearly 2 weeks are gone now and I need time to get stuff done! The termite inspector should be here in the next 2 days. Wish he could be a little more specific. Details, details.... I have my second case of hives since I last posted. Was on prednisone for 5 days and then 4 days later they came back with a vengence. If I could have peeled my skin off I would have! I'm back on prednisone now and things are returning to normal. Thank GOD!
Oh, I had to break into my own house the other day. A real estate guy had brought a client through and he locked the handle to the door going from the kitchen out to the garage. I went out to do a load of laundry and the door closed behind me, I went to come back in the house and the door was locked. I didn't have my phone with me, the garage door was padlocked from the outside and I was stuck! (Never mind that it was HOT out there and my hives were in the process of coming back! And I was alone in the house, with an appt. to get to see the Doctor about the hives.) I tried everything I could think of and finally smashed the handle off with a 5 lb weight. It still would not open so I started ramming my shoulder into the door after about 8 hard slams, the wood gave way around the knob and I was able to get in. Needless to say, my shoulder was not happy about this and is letting me know it. BTW I was going to have to replace the door anyway as it had a kitty door in it and was not a "proper firewall".
In other late breaking news, the transmission in my van (officially 3000 miles and 2 months out of warranty) decided it only wants to go into 2nd gear. This is the 5th transmission on this %@#$%^! car in 160,000 miles and I am going to run it off a cliff! I had considered giving it to Daniel's GF's family as they need a van to carry everyone, but not now... I am really looking forward to a new (to me) car that gets me where I'm going at more than 30 MPH.
Well kiddies that's all for now...tune in for next weeks episode of,"Termites, dry rot and wiring, oh my!" or "As the real estate burns....."