Aug 22, 2005 20:24
I survived the 1st day in one piece!!! Actually I think it went well. The kids weren't bad really. They listened very well for the most part, especially when I was reading to them. We had a few that needed to be redirected. One was very clingy and I actually had to tell her that keep her hands to herself meant that she had to let go of my leg. She's going to be a challenge. But at the same time she got a child who was very reluctant to speak to talk to her during lunch, so we'll see. It was an early release day also. Alicia said I did good when the faculty was having lunch. But I asked her again when we were back in the room so she wasn't on the spot when her intern asked her a possibly loaded question. I asked her, "So how did I do?" Alicia just looked at me," How did you do what?" The conversation went from there, appearantly I did all the right things. She told me that if something happened and she couldn't be there tomorrow she had complete faith in my to handle things. I'm very proud. Let's just see if it all lasts, especially the student's behavior. I wonder if we're not having a "honeymoon" phrase.
One other thing I thought about recently, the person who wants me to keep this updated doesn't respond to my posts.... hmmm....
But thanks Donnie for posting a little something, you still need to call me sometime... it would help however, if I didn't leave my purse at the school like I did today... with my cell in it.