A weekend at the fair

Aug 29, 2005 02:15

I had a very pleasant weekend with innocentornot. Friday night he picked me up from work, (as has been his usual for the last few weeks,  almost a month.)  We came back to my house to relax and sleep (as if) before heading off to the big *snicker* city of Woodstock, Ontario. To nervously meet his mom and step dad. Who turned out to be really nice people.
Before we met up with his parents. He took me to the Woodstock Fair. Boasting a Holstein (cow)show, Horse Show (we watched the horses for sometime, they had team horses. we watched the 4 teams, 2 teams belgums and clydes and single carts), Carnival rides and various skill games. (innocentornot won me a couple stuffed animals.) It was a country fair. Back to my roots.. back in the day..
Its been a long time. since Ive been to one. Like since I left my home town of stayner.. oh those were the days. and Stayner is only a tenth of the size of Woodstock.
Saturday was perfect. It held off raining untill we were motoring back to the bigger city of Kitchener. Then it poured.. All around it was a good day. Today I just sat at home as innocentornot plays D&D and had a game session to go to today. So Ive been cleaning up my poor computer. Its been, helpless with my father using it and filling it full of spyware.
Ive also been planning my long, extra long weekend. I have six days off starting on thursday the first. And dont have to be back at work till the following wednesday. I have no Idea where I am going, I am thinking toronto for a day trip. but not sure what to do, I want to go to the Rainforest Cafe at Yorkdale other than that not sure... Maybe Kensington Market, or just wander around like I normally do when I am in the BIG city.
Any suggestions for a day trip to the city??
Hope everyone had a great weekend
See Ya'll on the flip side.
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