I am very proud of my hubby, who was just offered a new job with the state on Thursday. He wrote a blog on mySpace so I'm gonna put it in here (mostly because he does a better job explaining what he does than I do). I'm so very happy for him! His post is below. ~Courtney~
By Kyle:
Pavement Assessment Specialist
Current mood:
Jobs, Work, Careers Timeline:
1.5 months since application submission...
1 month since job posting closure...
3 weeks since the interview...
2 weeks since filling out some additional paperwork...
1 week after one boss secretly telling me it was mine...
I was officially offered the job I've been hoping for this afternoon. I will be in charge of pavement testing using an approximately $750,000 vehicle, measuring the roughness and cross-slope (roll axis slope) of asphalt and concrete pavements, using a forward-looking video camera system, a downward-looking, laser-lit camera system (to photograph cracking in the roadway), and 3-laser and 1200-point scanning laser systems to measure rut depths. I've been doing the job for 2 months now, but as of tomorrow the duties are officially mine, along with a pay considerably over the base starting salary! I'll post some pics of my ride in a few days once I have a chance to take some.