Last Prenatal Appointment

May 08, 2006 21:58

Today is my due date and it goes without saying that I have yet to have my little guy. Baby is still doing fine. I am 3 cm dialated and 80% effaced. I didn’t have to bring up the topic of induction, the doctor did that. He gave me the option of being induced on Thursday or Monday. I told him that Thursday was very tempting but that Kailee had her kindergarden orientation on Friday and that I would like to be there. So if I was going to be late I could wait a couple more days that way I could go with her. He laughed and said that he knew no one that would have picked Monday but that he would put me down for then. He then said that he would give me slips for two more non-stress tests. Since I had one on Saturday he said that the next one could wait another couple days. And the second one would be for the weekend. Just to check and make sure the baby is still doing well. Though he also added that he didn’t think that I would last til Monday. He is pretty sure I will go into labor on my own by then. I had told him that I was going to ask about being induced because of my concern with the baby’s size. Kailee was 8 lbs 1 oz and was two weeks early. I had trouble with deliverying her and that I was worried about this baby being bigger than her. He said that this one won’t be that big so not to worry about it. I think he knows what he is talking about so I am relieved to hear that. Though since I gained only 14 pounds the whole pregnancy and I feel like I am smaller than when I was carrying Kailee, I figured that much. But it is always good to hear it from an experienced doctor. Now I hope to either go into labor tomorrow during the day so I will be out of the hospital by Friday. Or have it wait til Friday evening (at the least) so that I can go to Kailee’s school with her that afternoon. Why am I sure that it won’t work out that way? Either way, come Monday, I will have this baby.

40 weeks 0 days
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