Breathing Problems

Nov 02, 2005 13:21

So I almost ended up in the ER last night. I have been having problems breathing for awhile, which is one reason I haven't been sleeping. For many weeks I had problems with allergies accompanied by weezing, though I think it was just because I was sleeping with my mouth open and it caused me to have a dry mouth and throat.

Several nights back it changed. I woke in the middle of the night with a tightening in my chest and was weezing more. During the day I wasn't so bad but as soon as evening would hit it would get worse and at night it was horrible. I took Robitussin at night to get some sleep. Did that a couple nights. Then the next two days it seemed to get a little better.

Monday night, it was done right miserible. The medicine helped for about two hours and I got a tiny bit of sleep. I took more and it did nothing. I couldn't even sit in a reclining position. I tried stacking the pillows up to be somewhat upright, didn't work. I tried reclining in my computer chair, didn't work. I had to be sitting completely upright to breath even a little bit. I was so exhausted I kept nodding off but as soon as my body started to relax I would wake up. Who can sleep sitting upright? I know I sure as hell can't.

So yesterday morning after maybe three hours of sleep throughout the night, we still went to the playgroup. I was exhausted by the time we got home. Called the doctor's office at 11:45AM. Answering service answered, I asked when the office opened back up, 1:30PM. Talk about a long lunch break? I laid around and vegged. Dozed off for a few minutes here and there. I also had to call the gas company to get it switched over to my name for the new house. So John did some errands and said he had to run next door to his mother's and he would be right back. I was waiting until he came back and got that done before I called the doctor's again. He came back at 3. Got that done so he could leave. Called the doctor's a little after 3. They asked what type of insurance I had, I tell them, and they say go to the ER. So I waited a hour and a half to call them to get that answer? ~growls~ So I texted John and he called me back. We talked about it. My options were, go to the ER and wait 6-10 hours or make an appointment with our primary physician (and family friend) to see what he said. The only problem was that his office is closed on Wednesdays. Which means I would have to wait two days to see him. We decided that once my mother-in-law got home, I would go see her. She is a nurse so she could judge how back it sounded.

In the meantime I forced myself to eat and drink water. I was getting sick from not eating all day. And I could feel the start of a fever which is my body's way of saying I am not getting enough liquids. I tried taking a nap on the couch. It resulted in a 30 minute nap, how disappointing since I was SO tired. Called next door and went over at 6PM. She said I had weezing in all four sections of my lungs. She called the nurse who works for our doctor. Decided that route was the easist so far. The nurse said the doctor had left for a meeting but she would page him to make sure the antibiotic was safe during pregnancy and get back to us. Turns out that it was and she called it in to Eckerd.

Seven o'clock comes around and the breathing gets worse. Lora Lee had an inhaler but she wasn't sure the medicine was safe during pregnancy so we waited. She had plans of going to pick up the medicine but instead called John to see if he could. He went to Eckerd and it wasn't there. I guess the scene got a little chaotic. It starts reaching 8PM. Breathing was very labored at this point. Lora Lee was busy on the phone and trying to figure out what was happening with the medicine. I went outside thinking the cold air might help. It didn't. I came back in and she gave me cough drops to take home. I sat down and she started staring at me. Asked if it was getting harder to breath, I said, yes very hard. She looked a little paniced. I was trying not to panic. I would not wish that on my worse enemy. I have never had that before. And I knew if I went to the ER that I would have to wait, another couple hours of that kind of breathing and I would probably pass out from lack of oxygen. And the medicine that they were getting wouldn't help for awhile. So I was on the edge of panicing myself.

She finally found the prescripion. John had to go back to the same store to pick it up. I am sure he was ready to kill someone there by now. Lora Lee got the inhaler and managed to give it to me. That stuff is great. It helped so fast. Within 5 minutes I was hardly weezing anymore. And as she said, if I went to the ER that is all they would give me anyway. So we still aren't sure it was safe for the baby but even though she gave me the rest of the pills to use with the inhaler, I don't plan on using it. I am sure one dose of that will be fine compared to not being able to breath at all, hence the baby wasn't getting oxygen either. I am now on antibiotics for the next week. I took my first dose last night and used VapoRub to help some as well. Which means I actually got some sleep last night.

We still aren't sure what it is but Lora Lee is pretty sure it is a lung infection. When I was pregnant with Kailee was very subseptable to infections. I had four throughout my pregnancy, three different kinds. Though they were all below the belt if you know what I mean. ~laughs~ I had hoped that I wouldn't have problems with infections this time around but here I am 13 weeks pregnant and have infection number one. ~sighs~ I just hope I start feeling better soon. If I start sleeping half normally than maybe the exhaustion will go down. And I need that to since we will be moving in the next month and I have to start packing all the crap we have here.

On Tuesday is my next prenatal appointment. I will get to ask how my test results were and the ultrasound. I am sure the tests were fine or they would have called me. The ultrasound I am going to see if it will move my due date. I am pretty sure my due date should be a week later than it is now. We shall see.
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