Sep 30, 2004 17:55
Tuesday I went to the first parent meeting for Head Start. There was only five of us moms there. Two have been in the program for years and this being their last child, it will be their last year. One of the other moms I knew cause her son and Kailee started Early Head Start at the same time and they both started Head Start this year. The last mom, I didn't know but her son was just started this year as well, thus her first year. All of them had sons so I felt a little odd. Not in a bad way just weird. John took Kailee while I went to the meeting so she couldn't play with the huge mass of boys. I think there were eight there. They were running around so I didn't really get to count. Four boys she goes to school with and the siblings of the kids.
The meeting went well. They are much more organized and focused. Unlike the Early Head Start parent meetings. I attended them for two years and it could be madness, not much order. Especially when it came to scheduling the meetings. Head Start schedules it much easier. Same day (last Tuesday of every month) and the time is usually 5:30. Though for November they switched to 5:45 to help with one of the ladies so she didn't have to bring her three sons. They are a great group of women and I instantly felt like I fit in with them. Lots of laughs and playing around, like old friends. Yet we got all the business done that we needed to. Basically just electing officers. I was lucky enough to escape them. I was Vice Chairperson last year but since they never followed any real plan, I never had to actually do anything. This year I got a new role that just started this year. Newsletter Coresponder, fancy title huh? The parent meetings for our section I will gather articles, recipes and the like that people bring in for the newsletter. I then make a special trip to meet with all of the other Newsletter Coresponders from the other sections and work on placing the newsletter together that will go out to the masses. Interesting eough. It will be something new.
Today I volunteered in Kailee's classroom. I know John wanted me to take a month off for alone time. Well I got to the three week milestone since her first day of school (yesterday) and decided that I wanted to go and help out. I think the parent meeting had a lot of influence to my decision. Not that the other mothers said anything. I can't really explain it. I felt a sense of family involvement at the meeting. Two of the moms were really involved and I felt in awe of them. Seeing them as how I hope to be some day. Since they had a few kids and were still deeply active in their children's schooling. No to mention, volunteering in her class would help understand what she does at school. I figured three weeks was enough time to get her into the swing of the class and that if I now went that maybe the issues with her not listening since I was there would lessen.
I got to meet the rest of the kids. Last time I was there was Kailee's first day of school and only half were there. I learn names easily. In fact I was trying to help the teacher and the aides in getting the two idential twins sorted out. Falyn and Hannah. Kailee has told me that they are her best friends. I took note on the bus that they have on different color pants. Same color shirt but different pants and remembered that. Later I realised the coloring on their glasses were different, Hannah had purple, Falyn had pink. Both of the girls were shocked every time I called them by their right name. Poor things the teacher still can't get them straight. I told them about the glasses but Miss Shelly (Kailee's teacher) said she would forget who wears what color. ~laughs~ I also got a hug from Malik and a few of the shy girls warmed up to me nicely, Janell and Candace. Some of the boys are really loud and hyper. So funny since the girls are more calm. Little Bradley (who is such a cutie) is I think the quiestest one out of the boys. Though a daredevil as he kept wantng to go higher and higher on the swings, as I took the duty as the official pusher. He was making me nervous. Kailee is such the opposite that I am not used to such acts. ~laughs~ Though he is very well mannered.
Kailee was a bit protective of me which I would have never expected. She wanted me to do everything with her. She got upset, crying a little bit when I was asked to be the parent at the lunch table other than hers. I felt special. I am so used to her running off and playing by herself. In the past, she would check to make sure I was there but not ask me to come with her. I ended up with a small group in the library area when I was reading her a book. They have a lot of books but with the teacher and the aides busy mantaining the classroom, I am guessing that reading a book (other than the normal one a day done by the teacher at circle time with all the kids) that is isn't done in more personal manner. Kailee dragged me all over the room during play time. At circle time she wanted to talk with me or cuddle instead of having her attention on the teacher. I had to keep asking her quietly to pay attention. Though it wasn't a big deal. I am glad that she was excited that I was there. I wonder if that feeling will continue if I go more often?
The whole scene was very welcoming. The teacher and the aides asked me to come back repeatedly. Even the twins said that I better come back. In fact Hannah said I should on Monday (they don't have school tomorrow, teacher planning day). I install one computer game on the second computer (first one had it but the second didn't) and help monitor the computers for the kids at play time and they were singing me praises. I am guessing that the adults aren't too computer savvy and was happy to have someone take the reins there. And it kind of shows. A lot of games icons on the desktop (multiples of same games) though no disks for most of them. Speakers not working on the one. I think they are broke since I checked the connection. I would have liked to get on them and clean them up so that they work better. But I didn't have time.
Overall, I had a blast. I promised to be back and soon. I am thinking once every other week. Or possibly once a week. We will see. Many of the parents have other kids. With Kailee being my only one and being a stay at home mom still. Well if they need the help and I need some time out of the house. Plus I can ride the bus when giving notice a head of time and not have worry about a ride, why not? Sixteen kids were there today. Two were absent. Also I figure that next year when she goes to kindergarden that I won't be able to go to school and see how things worked. My involvement will be limited. I want to know the ins and outs of my daughter's school life. I want to know the songs she comes home singing. The rules at school so I can also enforce them at home so that way there are not mixed singals. I just feel a huge sense of family right now. I don't have much desire to come online. I have been going to parenting boards more recently and attepting to connect with other moms. Also trying to spend more time with Kailee. She comes home at three and goes to bed at nine. Yes that is six hours but when you are used to all day every day for four years and now from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon she is gone five days a week, it is a bit of a shock to the system. I feel like I am missing out. Guess it is strange. I am just happy that the kids liked my company and that I am welcomed back at any time. In fact the teacher and aides want me to come back as much as possible. Today was a good day!