Master list here,
rec50 Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 01: First Time
Title: Tension
Author: Atana
Rating: R
Length: Short
Brief summary: Aeryn's point of view after the kiss in A Human Reaction.
It must have been the rain, the way it tattooed heavy and smooth against the roof, its rhythm an odd counterpoint to their current situation. Or maybe it was the liquid he called "beer," its dark heavy taste sliding smoothly against her tongue and slowing her brain. Or maybe it had been the battle fatigue, felt in the hopelessness of his sigh and the warmth of his skin as it rested against her shoulder. Whatever the reason, when he'd brushed first his nose, then his lips lightly against hers, she'd let him.
Tension Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 02: AU
Title: All for Love
kazbaby Rating: PG
Length: Short
Brief summary: AU after Prayer
There once was a boy named John. And John had this girl. He loved his girl. A lot. So much that once he offered up the universe for her, her name inscribed in fire along each of its borders. Species, even the ones that he'd never heard of, were extinguished in the blink of an eye. Because of love.
All for Love
Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 03: Angst
Title: Walls of Jericho
Author: birthsister
Rating: PG-13
Length: long
Brief summary: Post Fractures
He pictured her in his mind and for a moment it was like imagining his own funeral. He remembered those first days without her aboard Moya had been bad enough. He remembered finding himself outside her quarters more often than not. An easy walk then knowing she was still alive. He'd had no souvenir but memory.
Walls of Jericho Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 04: Fluff
Title: Twice Shy Addenda
Author: aeryncrichton
Rating: G
Length: Short
Brief summary: After the end tag in Twice Shy.
He still loved her. He still wanted her. With his arms around her, she could face anything.
Twice Shy Addenda Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 05: Sex
Title: The Talyn Suite
Author: Robyn Bender
Rating: NC-17
Length: Epic
Brief summary: Aeryn and TalynJohn had the time to develop a real partnership. This is about that time. Follows cannon, so pack some tissues for the ending.
The Talyn Suite , The other chapters can be found
HERE Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 06: Anger
Title: Asymmetric (A story of snow)
Author: Casper F. Joke
Rating: PG-13
Length: Medium
Brief summary: This is the last part of a trilogy, although it reads alone just fine. Set durring Terra Firma, Aeryn and John get snowed in, and as everyone knows, those two don't handle waiting very well. Part one:
Rain; Part Two:
Jeremiad by sarajane.
Excerpt: Aeryn took a deep breath, released it slowly. John refused to meet her gaze. Not knowing what else to think, she turned her attention back to the window. So, it was over. It was really and truly over between them. Aeryn’s expression deadened while her heart blackened with frost. She swallowed her tears, and coated herself with icy control. It was the only way she was going to survive this trip.
Asymmetric (A story of snow) Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 07: Love
Title: Two's Company
life_on_queen ,
cretkid ,
rubberneck ,
kernezelda , and
thassalia Rating: PG
Length: Short
Brief summary: Post PKW. It still made him catch his breath sometimes how dangerous she could be, even more so now that they were together with their son, that they'd worked out so much and found their way back to each other. As much as they challenged each other, he knew that she saw him for who he was, loved him, and that he was absolutely safe with her.
Two's Company Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 08: Friendship
Title: Sorry About The Mess
Author: StarsGoBlue aka
simplystars Rating: PG
Length: Short
Brief summary: Post DNA: Mad Scientist. Moments of reflection, with vomiting.
Sorry About The Mess Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 09: Hurt/Comfort
Title: Down Along The Barrel of a Gun
Author: KodiakkMax
Rating: PG
Length: Short
Brief summary: It was a long moment of breathing and bodies, holding hands and the view down along the barrel of a gun.
Down Along The Barrel of a Gun Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 10: Fandom Cliche
Title: "... and a single tear fell."
Author: Multiple
Rating: Varies
Length: Varies
Brief summary: Chickwithmaps issued a fanfiction challenge where the story cannot be longer than 3000 words, can have John or Aeryn in the story, but not both, and must end with: ...and a single tear fell.
"... and a single tear fell."
Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 11: Character Study
Title: Riddles
Author: carly_gal
Rating: NC-17
Length: [short, medium, long, epic]
Brief summary: Aeryn's summer vacation and a loosly cannon based season four with several big surprises.
Excerpt: Silent is she, the one who haunts empty buildings, her robes cradling her as she travels untouched by land or sea; travelling as a guest with the wind, a ghost with the tide. In the morning she is pale just as sunlight bleaches a room of its colours; in the night she glows with the same pearly light as the moon. Her eyes are wide in the moment before death. She has no mouth; instead she drinks that which she sees. Link:
Riddles Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 12: Humor
Title: A Boy Needs a Dog
cretkid Rating: PG
Length: Short
Brief summary: Post PKW.
"Pu-dals can be… troublesome. Don't feed them Hynerian."
"Dude," John grimaced in horror. "Nobody eats Hynerians!"
A Boy Needs a Dog
Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 13: Established Relationship
Title: The Dance
Author: Hopeful Romantic
Rating: G
Length: Short
Brief summary: Since John and Aeryn ARE the established relationship on the show, I chose a story set beyond the end of the show.
"I guess because it means that love is the most powerful thing in the universe. And I think that I like the idea that no matter what, love is in the stars and there’s no light brighter than that.”
The Dance Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 14: Loss
Title: Glycerine
Author: sarajane
Rating: R
Length: Medium, there are two other parts, but this can be read as stand alone.
Brief summary: The wormhole blossoms without warning, blinding in its blue-white brilliance against the starless black. An adrenaline surge and a cold shot of terror flood his veins as Moya shudders and seizes.
He grabs the console as waves of blue undulate within the gaping maw, but he doesn’t have time or breathe or do anything other than scream.
Glycerine (the other installments are linked half way down)
Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 15: Crack!Fic
Title: Ficlets Don't Matter
Author: PKAmmoTroup
Rating: PG
Length: Short
Brief summary: “You two know what I want, I’m the author of this ficlet and you guys are getting a little carried away here,” answered PKAmmoTroop.
“What’s a ficlet?” asked Aeryn as she toyed with John’s belt buckle.Link:
Ficlets Don't Matter Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 16: Teamwork
Title: Hole In The Wall
thassalia Rating: PG-13
Length: Medium
Brief summary: Season Two Butch and Sundance adventure.
Hole in the Wall Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 17: Jealousy
Title: Time Bandits
Author: ScorpSik
Rating: PG
Length: Short
Brief summary: J/A from an outside POV. She saw how he was protected, kept nourished and warm and loved. And she envied him. And she felt angry at John Crichton for introducing her to a world of emotion.
Time Bandits Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 18: Light
Title: Flambeaux
Author: Shaye
Rating: PG-13
Length: Medium
Brief summary: There was something wrong. On this strange planet, their translator microbes were nonfunctional. Their foreign tongues fell on uncomprehending ears. It was a heavy blow, especially to him.
Flambeaux Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 19: Dark
Title: In the Nightmare of the Dark
simplystars , aka StarsGoBlue
Rating: PG-13
Length: Short
Brief summary: He shoots her in the face, at point-blank range.
In the Nightmare of the Dark Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 20: Fight
Title: Best Two Out of Three
lyricalviolet Rating: G
Brief summary: She was poised, ready to strike, possessing a seemingly endless supply of energy. Either that, or she was into some weird type of S&M, and she got her rocks off kicking the crap out of him.
Best Two Out of Three Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 21: Epiphany
Title: The Kick Inside
birgitm Rating: PG-13
Brief summary: All the rest was a sickening, tangled knot in the well of her gut, a giant black hole she didn’t comprehend that threatened to pull her into it entirely, to crush her with its own weight. I’m very angry. I love you.
The Kick Inside Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 22: UST
Title: Escape Hatch
Author: Thea
Rating: PG-13
Brief summary: He wants her all of the time. Even when he also wants to curl fists in her hair, bang her head against the door to shake out her stubbornness, he craves her with hot desperation. He thinks he's losing his mind. He thinks that it's not such a bad way to go.
Escape Hatch Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 23: Time
Title: Mending Horizons
Author: regala_electra
Rating: NC-17
Length: Medium
Brief summary: While their plans never quite work out as well as they intend, this one, in case they find themselves speeding around the time-space continuum faster that sound and light, does work surprising well. Her signal is to kiss him twice.
Mending Horizons Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 24: Future Fic
Title: Family Ties Series
Author: aeryncrichton
Rating: G up to NC-17, chapters are clearly marked.
Length: Series
Brief summary: They moved around a lot. Probably too much, but the kids seemed to cope okay with being uprooted on a regular basis, at least so far. The years of running with someone always on their tail had taken their toll, and neither John nor Aeryn felt quite safe staying in one place too long.
Family Ties Claim: Farscape, John and Aeryn
Prompt: 25: Kink
Title: Scientist, Astronaut, and Nymphomaniac: The nine lives of John Crichton
Author: feldman
Rating: NC-17
Length: Long
Brief summary: One of the most well known adult fics, this is the highest quality kink you can get in this fandom.
Scientist, Astronaut, and Nymphomaniac: The nine lives of John Crichton
Prompts 25-50