Save the Cheerleader, Save the World

Mar 01, 2007 20:18

Well, I wasn't a ski bunny last weekend because the transport fell through at the last minute. But just as it worked out that my Florida trip fell through (cold/rainy weather), this ended up being an averted disaster. I had food poisoning. From Taco Bell. But not the one with the rats. And so ends my love affair with Taco Bell, which you either totally understood or grodied you out. Never again.. isn't that what middle American patriots say?

On to bigger and better things - Heroes! Thank you, elocin_b! Wow, new obsesh. As in, I have watched every episode in the last few days. As in I read a Heroes wiki. The first and most recent episdoes are available for streaming on, but I've been watching them in MUCH better quality here. Me, liking a superpowers show. I'm proud of myself for giving it a chance.. at Nicole's continual urging of course.


PS - I'm obsessed with real estate. If by no other measure, I am now certifiably an adult. More on that later.
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