Jan 20, 2004 21:20
So, when you already have a sore throat and not much of a voice, answering phones for eight hours really isn't a very good idea.
I'm really sick of catching these little bugs all the time and I'm only in the fourth month post transplant. I have like a year to go still until my immune system even resembles something close to normal. It's very frustrating. And my exercise has not been taking place every day thanks to my new location, which is bad. I just don't have time to exercise 40 minutes every day when I don't have a machine in my house. I'm trying to get an elliptical but the place that sells the kind I want is out of stock. It'll be another month until they have more. It's starting to get to me. I actually miss working out everyday.
The receptionist at my parents' office began maternity leave this today, thus the answering phones. Doing again tomorrow, which may not be the most intelligent thing to be doing, but they really need the help.
ETA: So, there's a scary news woman on TV wearing a hat that makes her head look like it's being eaten by a giant snowball. I'm frightened.