I'm just wondering if on my forehead it says "Idiot" because lately at work I feel that everyone is thinking that. It's either their look or their tone. It's great. But what is icing is when I get the look and the tone.... \0/ it just makes working here that much more fun. And, I feel myself shutting down I don't neccesarily want to, but it's my defense mecanisum on protecting myself
. I hate feeling like I'm the department idiot
So I go into the back office to fax something and I stop by R's desk because why not. Well she tells me that our DM and his boss are trying to get involved with a mix up that we (especially R) were hoping was over with. Well the DM last month and sat in a meeting about this mix up with our direct supervisor. Now he's bringing up stuff that we discussed in that meeting like he wants answers for that he didn't hear a month ago. There's a never ending amount of douchey ness in him . Why can't people in this company assume that we are capable of doing our job that they potentially hired us for in the first place. Is that to much to ask for? Nevermind it is WAY to much
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