Dell: The Smartest Geeks On the Planet

Feb 03, 2005 00:33

Stupid LJ...

So, I just had this entry prepared to enter, and it ate it. Par for the course, I am sure. >:o|

At any rate, I'm preparing to go offline for a few weeks. What do you know, the geniuses at Dell finally decided I was right about the problem w/ my laptop and are agreeing to have it sent in for repair.

Finally. It only took, what, four years? I've had the same problem w/ it not holding its date/time stamp whenever I power it down. They told me I needed a new BIOS. Not so, b/c this new BIOS has not fixed the problem and my laptop keeps resetting to May 16, 2003.

Last night, when I was surfing online, it started roaring at me, and then it froze up and wouldn't let me do anything. Then, it just shut down and I get a blue screen and this message that says, "Beginning dump of physical memory." Yeah, I'd say there is something wrong.

So, I'll be sending this puppy off tomorrow and *hopefully* they will fix the problem for good this time. I also have to buy a completely new battery b/c this one is fried. I can't even turn on my laptop w/o it being plugged into a power source. Unfortunately for me, the warranty for batteries is only one year. Boo/double hiss.


At any rate, everyone have a pleasant couple of weeks and I'll see you/write here soon. :o)

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