Feb 04, 2012 21:50
3. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
2003 Pulitzer Prize Winner for Fiction
I listened to The Virgin Suicides a few years ago, and thought Jeffrey Eugenides was brilliant for writing that book. I knew Middlesex was out there, that it had even won awards, but for some reason I kept putting off reading it.
I'm glad I did.
Prior to about November 18, 2011, maybe not even until January really, I had not experienced enough of my own "Detroit moments" to have the reaction I had to this book. But, my love of Detroit has slowly been building through multiple experiences between last June 25 and now, and I know enough about the city now to recogize and have a mental picture in my head of the places, the intersections of some of the streets, as I read about them, and it creates a feedback loop of excitement for the book. It also is a bit...surreal at times, hearing these characters talk about places I've been, or places where people I knew grew up.
This is a good book. A really good book.
books 2012