Title: Shards of Glass - Chapter 14
Fandom: CSI:Miami
Characters/Pairing: Involves all regular cast members of CSI:Miami. No pairings.
Words: 596
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
A/N: Beta by
drwilltx. 3/29/07: Began writing first three paragraphs of chapter. 4/17/07: Finally got off my lazy caboose and continued writing the rest of the chapter. 4/19/07: Received notes back from Beta & began editing the chapter. 4/23/07: Second set of edits complete.
A/N #2: Rebekah Mayers, Julio Benevides, David Boyd, and Bryan Drake are the only characters I own. The rest of the characters do not belong to me, they belong to those who created CSI:Miami.
Shards of Glass
Chapter 14
Rebekah Mayers returned to work. She had to. Being stuck at her apartment, alone, gave her too much time to think. And go stir crazy.
She had traded in her SUV for something smaller. A sporty two door coupe. She started car pooling to work with another lab tech. Rebekah knew it would be a long time before she would be able to enter the parking garage alone.
Nights were the hardest. Sometimes she would lay awake for hours, sleepless. Other nights, she would fight through sleep shrouded in nightmares. Counseling was difficult too, bringing endless emotions to the surface. The hour-long sessions were focused entirely upon her. Her relationships. Her family. Her goals. Her career. Her attack. It was exhausting. Rebekah longed for things to return to normal. The only thing that would bring that normalcy was the passage of time.
It was a quiet affair, returning to the lab. She hadn’t made any sort of announcement. Rebekah had simply shown up at the start of her usual shift and began digging into her pile of case files. There had been a raised eyebrow from Maxine Valera, but Rebekah had smiled in return, diffusing any awkwardness that had shadowed her into the lab.
The methodical tasks of her job forced Rebekah to maintain her focus away from herself. Work provided the distraction she desired. The only way she could push past the traumatic attack was to continue living her life.
Her cell phone rang, breaking her concentration. She glanced at the caller ID, frowning. She snapped off her latex gloves and picked up the phone.
“Bryan. I told you to stop calling me.”
There was a sigh on the other end. “I know, but I miss you.”
“I’m tired, Bryan. I don’t have the patience for this. It’s time to move on.” Rebekah closed her eyes, feeling frustration build up inside of her.
“I thought that with some more time that maybe…” His voice trailed off.
“No. I’m sorry. I just can’t. I mean it. Do not call me again.” She snapped her phone shut.
It was time for a break. Her concentration had been interrupted. She sighed heavily, struggling to maintain her composure. Being tired all the time did that.
Rebekah walked out of the lab to the one place she felt safe.
In the stairwell, she sat on a step. Resting her head against the wall, Rebekah closed her eyes. Fluorescent lights hummed above her head. It was a contrast to the hectic noise of the crime lab.
A door below her clicked open, squeaking on its hinges.
Rebekah’s eyes snapped open. She had no idea how long she had been sitting in the stairwell.
Footsteps echoed.
“Hi.” Horatio’s voice was soft.
“Hey,” she replied.
“I figured…that if I didn’t see you after half an hour that I should probably go and look for you.” He smiled, squatting down beside her.
“Oh! I’m so sorry. I must have dozed off.” She moved to get up, but Horatio stilled her by putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it, okay?”
Rebekah nodded. “I should get back to work.” Her voice was quiet.
Horatio stood up, holding out a hand. “You’ll be safe now, Rebekah.”
“Thanks.” She gave him a brave smile and took his hand.
“You’re welcome,” he replied, taking her weight as she stood so she wouldn’t fall.
Rebekah squeezed his hand. “No really. Thank you.”
Horatio looked down as he released her hand. “It’s all I know how to do.” He looked up again, a smile flashed across his face.