Apr 05, 2006 16:45
SO life is going ok.... I've been better but I've also been worse.... Ok so now that I have to plan a wedding I feel so scared!!! I've been doing everything by myself and it sucks ass it's to much to think about...and its even harder dealing w/ that, and school!! I thought that I could of counted on my sisters but Blanca is to busy to help and Liz well she is more excited for her friends daughter than me... I would have my mom help me but we have totally different taste and its weird to go w/ franks mom...I don't know what to do.... Yeah I've heard that Frank should help but please... and he is always working... oh and im failing biology really bad!!! I don't know what to do !!! I can't get myself to learn about sporo -some shit and gamatyphose damn this sucks ass... Help!!! blah!!!!