I don't know much at all, and i don't know wrong from right. All i know is that i love you tonight

Feb 26, 2003 11:20

ahh its snowing like MAD
we got out 2 hours early! w0000p and Homan said tomorrow theres going to be no school, and if there is, i swear im kicking him in the crotch.

today was so much fun, though.

English---me and katie watson helped Max plan out his short story. we have Mr Derose taking steroids in Highschool, becoming a pathway drug to heroine. *flash forward* he's still majorly addicted to heroine. he owes dealer much denaro. He's a history teacher. Dealer comes to SCHOOL to collect over-due payment, when Derose can't pay, Dealer shoots Chris Nelson and runs. Mr Derose then kills himself. ahahahaha. great.
PE---the VCR was broken, so we didn't get to watch a Tyson Boxing match as planned, so we sat around and wrote on people's shoes.
Band---Bill and me switched shoes, and then Drew took my shoe from Bill, and i look over at the other room, and Drew is all like "look i have your shoelace!!" cause he un-stringed my shoe. then he sticks the shoelace....where? down his pants. im going to kick him in the crotch.
After That---haha after lunch ashley ran from Joe, and so did Max lol, and then me and Greg got cornered by Joe, and we refused to talk, and then Ash came back and Joe was like "why are you running ashley? come on. i have to protect you. you dont have anything to hide" and then he saw Max walk towards us then walk away and Joe was like "IS THAT HIM?!?" and he runs after Max, and me and Greg are like "WE HAVE TO SEE THIS" uhh i was laughing so hard. n Ash and Max were like "we're not going out" and then Andrew is walking by and Joe goes "Melim! he's trustworthy! Melim come here" and i walked by Andrew and whispered "say yes" and then he's like "so what is Ashley and this guy's situation?" and andrew said "YES" and he's like "theyre going out?" and andrews like "YES"
Walking Home---me and allan kicking snow on eachother, everone EXCEPT me falling on their ass cause of the ice...wow. i didnt fall. and then safwat was like "im going to push you down" and i said "if you do, im kicking you in the crotch" and he was like "well, good thing i dont have a crotch" ad i was laughing so hard.

RaZzyjelly8 8: im going to kick you in the crotch
FnchDrms87: im going to kick YOU in the crotch!
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