Apr 01, 2006 12:59
Well my student teaching portfolio is finally completed. I will be turning it in on Monday. Hopefully I will pass considering I only taught a total of 3 out of the 10 lessons. Everything else is made up with the famous left handed approach to a first graders hand writing. Now I all I have to wait on is my letter tell me where I am going to be placed of my student teaching. Everyone else has gottenn their letters except for I think two of us. Hopefully it will come during the weekend, but if it does not I will be going up to the Early Childhood Education office and asking why I have not received my letter yet.
Tonight is our formal. It will be my last formal as a collegiate member of Sigma Sigma Sigma. We are having it as the Wilmington Island Club. I have never been there, but I hear it is beautiful. My date is Megan Moore, Kristina Yourk, and Sarah Lee. We are going to have a great time. The theme for tonight's event is Masquerade. I cannot wait we are going to have so much fun. I'll post pictures later for you all to see.
That is about it. Hope all is going well with everyone.