Sep 27, 2005 12:45
I don't know how you can go on just being friends? Everytime I look into your eyes I look with anticipation of being with you again. Everytime I see you I just want to crawl into your arms and hear you say that everything will be okay, that we just need some time and then we'll be together forever... just like promised before. I cry my eyes out every night scared out of my mind that that is never going to happen... scared that you're never going to want me the way you once did. I know I have messed up time and time again, but every day without you kills me more and more. Soon I will be no more. I feel like I am breaking down more and more each day from the person I once was, from the happy person I use to be when I was with you. This has been a great lesson that I know I can't live without you. It hurts so much to see you flirting with other girls...tears my heart apart....
Is there anything I can do?