New semester

Jan 17, 2009 12:02

Beginning Tuesday. I'm TAing for the same course under a different professor, which means different readings, assignments, lecture topics, etc. I think it'll be all right--at least I don't have any sections before 8am this time. Aside from that, I'm taking a class about human evolution for a cross-sectional requirement, a poli-sci class about nationalism, and a lower-level lecture on the history of the Soviet Union. (I'm considering just auditing the latter so I don't have to go to the discussion section. . .)

To do:
Funding applications for summer and next year (FLAS, summer travel grant)
Pay for classes at SERF
Reorganize bookshelves to make room for
Buy necessary textbooks for semester

I'm also resolved to eat more vegetables this year. I'm really bad about it for a vegetarian--the trouble is I mostly eat alone, and I don't really eat a whole lot of anything at a time, so when I buy fresh veggies half of them go bad before I get through them. :(

Yesterday: beet greens, tomatoes (whatever, I'm counting them. shut up.)
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