A friend of mine sent me this
video and I am truly loving the idea. It's so simple and a great way to deal with the junk offers that banks, credit cards and loan companies keep sending us. Send it right back. And it doesn't cost me a dime.
You see, in every one of those envelopes is a return envelope, postage pre-paid that the company is hoping you'll send back to request their latest over-hyped, over-priced credit card. All you have to do is take all the junk from the first envelope (including the envelope) fold it up and stuff it in the pre-paid one. Put the offer letter at the top of the pile and write a nice little note on the top; something along the lines of "Thanks but no thanks" or "Not interested". Seal it and drop it in the closest mail drop. They get their own junk mail back and even get to pay for the privilege. If everyone (or at least everyone who like myself is fed up with credit card companies and big banks) did this it would accomplish two things. First: it would tie up their mailrooms and send a clear message that consumers are fed up with their bulls&!t. Second; all the money they would have to pay on postage is $ not being spent on advertising and lobbying.
FYI- if you really want to stick it to big banks; close out your accounts and move your money to your local credit union. We did that over a decade ago and IMHO, it's really the only way to go. No hidden fees, no nickel and dime your funds down to $0.00 and you always get to talk to a human being when you call.