LJ Strikeout '07: Support Freedom of Expression!

May 29, 2007 23:35

Ok...so sorry if you've all seen this all over your friends list, but compiling two different "action plans". I'm sorry, but i'm screening comments and logging IPs. >>; you will have to wait till your comment shows up.

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freedom of expression, fandom

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Comments 505

jyuufish May 30 2007, 04:54:49 UTC
Name/Alias: Hyu/Nia
Journal name: hyujin
Location(optional): Idaho
Comment(optional): Thanks to this and to you, you've deleted some useless communities and given the real threat fair warning so that they can slink underground. You've given then immunity.. and I don't think that's fair. Take responsibility for your actions for once... because you are going to realize that there are going to be alot of people who suffer for this, and I'm not referring to the fandom journals.


athenaltena May 30 2007, 05:00:16 UTC
Name/Alias: Rose
Journal name: athenaltena
Location(optional): Massachusetts
Comment(optional): I am extremely concerned for the survivors of abuse that have been targeted merely because they listed it, and while I in no way condone pedophilia I feel this is way too broad. While I understand that advertisers were pulling from the site (essentially, bullying on WfI's part) I have to voice my objection to this.


polyurethane May 30 2007, 05:02:19 UTC
Name/Alias: Eileen
Journal name: origami_angel
Location(optional): Nova Scotia, Canada
Comment(optional): I was quite shocked when I saw news of the deleted communities flooding my flist. I see no point to why it was done. This is just going to cause the people involved in such things to find other ways to get it. Deleting the communities isn't going to stop people from looking for what you've decided to try and take away from them.


ladybrighid3333 May 30 2007, 05:08:14 UTC
Journal name: ladybrighid3333
Location(optional): Boston, Massachusetts
Comment(optional): Silence speaks volumes, but silence is constricting. LiveJournal has been about freedom of expression--about speaking out rather than keeping things in. Real threats have been given a warning by the communities who recognized this first through fandom. A lot of different and innocent people will suffer just because of the tracing of inappropriate icons and 'trigger words'. Where are those LiveJournal community values of self expression, diversity, community and privacy in a situation like this?


fuckyeah May 30 2007, 05:08:52 UTC
Name/Alias: Tatiana
Journal name: originality
Location(optional): Maryland
Comment(optional): You guys had the right idea, but wrong wrong execution. Like the real bad guys will stop just because you suspended their accounts. And now innocent people, both actual victims and people who had their FICTION accounts suspended are being punished. And for what? Because some right wing vigilante group threatened legal action? Way to take our side LJ and protect US, the people who pay for the service and help keep the site going. Now the rest of us are on the edge of our seats as communities and journals are suspended left and right without warning, wondering who else is going to be wrongfully persecuted with apparently no chance to defend themselves.


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