Friday Fives Post

May 25, 2007 19:20


1. Work with dragons or treasure hunt for Gringott's? I’d rather work with dragons. I love dragons.
2. Spend a day with the Order of the Phoenix or Dumbledore's Army? For the action level, I’d say I’d take Dumbledore’s Army. Though if I wanted more history, I’d go with the Order.
3. Visit Dumbledore's office or Snape's dungeon? I’d actually be interested in seeing more of Snape’s dungeon, personally. Dumbledore’s cool and all, but most of Snape’s stuff seems more mysterious.
4. Give an old school detention to Filch or Umbridge? Obviously, Umbridge, she deserves a detention more...
5. Have an Invisibility Cloak or a Time Turner? Invisibility Cloak because it’d be cool to sneak around.


I know you’re mad about me
1. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Talking to animate and inanimate objects.

2. Which is more attractive to you: physical appearance or personality? Personality.

3. Who did you last fight with? My parents

4. What did you eat last night? A tuna fish sandwich with lettuce, hots, and onions. A freezepop, and a few cookies

5. Who are you mad about? In a good way, my boyfriend. In a bad way, my parents.

thefridayfive NSFW(May 18)

Nudity/Body Awareness
aka "How comfortable are you in your skin, or with others?"
1. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping? nope
2. When you're home alone, do you strip down to get comfortable? Do you ever go out without underwear (bra and/or panties) because it's more comfortable? Yes to both.
3. Have you ever/Do you use the bathroom with the door open? Are you comfortable using public facilities? Yes and yes.
4. When getting intimate with your significant other, lights on or off? …lights on usually.
5. How comfortable are you with body exposure/nudity of others? Group shower rooms?, topless/nude beaches?, breastfeeding in public? I’m fairly comfortable…it’s still a bit awkward. I am ok with group shower rooms and breastfeeding in public. Never been to a topless/nude beach.

thefridayfiveMay 25

1. What is your favorite board game? Candy Land
2. What is your favorite card game? Go Fish!
3. Do you like to play games on the computer or on a gaming system? i like computer games, but right now gaming systems are more available.
4. If so, what is your favorite game to play? On the computer, The Sims 2. On the gaming consoles...any Harvest Moon game.
5. Do you like to play games with people or to play them alone? i prefer playing games alone.

friday fives

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