Mars is bright tonight.

Aug 02, 2018 13:34

Literally, Mars is sticking out similar to a orange glow star. Beautiful! It is as close to Earth as it will ever be for the next 264 years! Thanks!

Today I've been a grouchy snapping turtle for a few particular reasons. First shift left us a mess to clean up and we had a problem sample that would not run the indices due to it clotting. The sample was only a tad thick, but not clotted. What does my partner verifier do? She pushes the results through without the indices and I end up verifying it without knowing what she'd done. She just wanted it off our pending, but that is not the way to do it. No one could get the indices to run so the lead had to go back and cancel the results. I was angry as I felt she pushed the results and let me verify them on purpose.

After work I have been watching different documentaries on youtube including: Dear Zachary (painfully sad), The Bridge, A Murder in the Family, The Woman who wasn't there, The Summit, and for tonight I am watching: The Galapagos Affair.
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