Happy new year! (Hey, it's still the first here.)

Jan 01, 2009 22:30

Had a weird dream last night and was in kind of a funk as I was walking to the bus this morning. About halfway to the bus stop I cross a small canal and this morning, out of nowhere, a huge white egret swoops up from under the overpass and up into the sky. Egrets are an animal that I absolutely associate with places that are homey to me, especially the beaches near where I grew up in the Bay Area and the Gulf Coast in Florida where my mom grew up and where we used to vacation when I was younger. So yes, it was definitely a good omen and put me in a better mindset for the rest of my first day of the year.

Work was uneventful, and now I'm resting and refreshing the Hankyu page. Again. >.<

I don't normally do resolutions, because they tend to do nothing but make me annoyed with myself id I don't accomplish them.  I will say that for next year I resolve to take care of myself.  That's it.  Sometimes that means saying no, and sometimes that means taking the time to nurture and love the people around me.  The trick is just to know the difference, I suppose.

I think I may go get cake and ice cream now.

holidays, life

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