I've taken a break from staring longingly at the
El Halcon Stage Graph[1] to be terribly productive today. Talked to the lovely Grandma on the phone this morning and then, while Jenn was busying herself on the computer, I made lunch and did four loads of laundry and reorganised the closet and my undergarment drawers, so that everything is in a state of order such that I'm a bit afraid of having to pull anything out to actually get dressed for work tomorrow.
And now, with a lovely dinner of baked ziti bubbling away in the oven, I am screen capping and clipping for my darling Dai-chan's birthday. Expect a post of epic proportions before the evening is through. *g*
[1] On that note, can one of you darlings who saw the show please, please confirm, for the sake of my sanity, that the detail on
this pair of Touko's pants is not in fact laces. Please. My sanity begs you.