[admin] More changes, and some comments on the content therein.

Jan 17, 2007 00:01

It is becoming more and more apparent (as I am painfully aware that it probably already has to you, mein lieblings) that the content of this poor journal is getting more and more taken over by 'Zuka (what you're probably all calling "the crazy thing with the Japanese girls in spangles and fedoras" in your heads by now). I have considered just moving everything over to a 'Zuka fannishness only journal, but the reality is that I will never bother to post anything to either journal if I have to write two separate entries and try and sort out where the things overlap.

I know it's all rather boggling for most of you, so apologies if you're getting inundated with content that you could not care less about. I've just never isolated fannish content from the rest of my LJ-life and I can't really see reason to start now. For the old-guard amongst you, expect some new faces around these parts, and for the new faces, please squee with me with as much wild abandon as you can muster, because I feel a bit as if I am boring everyone who isn't a 'Zuka fan to complete and total tears. Bless fannore for dragging me into the whole thing so we can have evening long conversations about what shows we want to see and how we'd cast On the Town if different troupes were to do it (for the record, it should be Eriko and Alice-chan's first show when they get promoted, with Chigi and Tacchin as the Frank Sinatra and Betty Garrett characters).

Of course the upswing of all this is that it has
It's interesting when I think about how many things I've never really been a fan of/never actively sought out but that are part of my sort of larger fannish consciousness. SGA is like that for me now, as I always sort of just watched it because it was on between other things and McKay is amusing as hell and I pretty much stopped watching it last season early on, but I still hear about it often enough from the rather large portion of you lot who are still deep in SGA fandom. It's kind of nice for me really, because I get to hear the highlights and feel vaguely part of the whole thing still without necessarily having to devote the time to keeping up with it myself. Appallingly lazy, yes. But the reality is that I have just have so much less time to watch TV and such than I used to, that even with the DVR and scheduling not being an issue (or at least as much of one), it's just harder and harder to justify to myself getting committed to a series I'm not 100% sold on. There's some weird part of me though that still wants to know that the show is doing okay, that there's still people who are utter nutjobs following it.

The point of all this is that I don't mind reading other people's posts about things I haven't read/don't watch/etc. because I enjoy people's responses to things almost as much as the first hand experience of watching or reading myself. That and I am very much a sympathetic squeer. I may only somewhat care myself, but I'll care on your behalf if I know something will make you happy. Only, you know, not as codependent sounding as that. Sheesh. *stops before digging herself any deeper*

I'm sure I had more to say about the whole thing but I'm sleepy and lost my train of thought. I'll come back to this at some point when I'm not being lulled to sleep by the fact that I'm sitting in bed while fannore is already long asleep.

Darn fannore and her good taste, because my baby-in-law is sucking me in more and more day by day. Seriously, how cute is she? And she sounds /so much/ like Tani sometimes, it's adorable. Also, there are stalker pictures of her up on Y!J. And she is even more adorable recently than I had come to expect. Love. I would be posting this with a Chigi icon, but I decided to be nice and let fannore have first crack. Also, I am too bleary-eyed to attempt making an icon right at the moment.

Also, I continue to be annoyed by lack of /anything/ further about my baby. Bless you, little Yosshii, but you are still rather... um... a baby. And thus more than moderately obscure. But I shall love you from afar and watch your little bits from the Tsuki Encourage Concert endlessly and spend hours rewinding and fastforwarding the Elisabeth shinko to squee over you as a tiny Black Angel. She's just so cute, even the frustration of her current utter obscurity isn't a deterrent in the least.

*blink* Okay, Wiki power to the rescue. *clicks around, checks mp3s* Yeah, I definitely had half a dozen mp3s from the Hoshi Fersen and Marie Berubara labeled as Cosmos. Wataru -/- Wao. Like at all. *shakes head* See, this is what happens when I just randomly stick all my 'Zuka stuff on shuffle, I don't /notice/ that things are woefully mislabeled. However, this pleases me greatly because hello, I have Touko!Andre I didn't know about. *squees*

Ahem, yes. Back to the matter at hand.

And I was going to write a whole thing about troupe transfers and the interesting and slightly odd things the future may hold with the slate of top combi we're going to have at our delicious disposal next season. However, I am falling asleep far too much to even try to be coherent, so maybe tomorrow. For now, good night.

*glances over* Yeah, the whole reason I used this icon was because I was going to post about my new haircut, which is essentially the one Mizu has in that picture. Apparently that will happen later.

Goodnight, mein lieblings!

mizu natsuki, admin, sagiri seina, takarazuka

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