One of the lead stories on the local news tonight was about a helicopter that had to perform an emergency landing at University Medical Center. Said emergency landing had to be performed because there had been a mid-air collision that shattered the right half of the windscreen. Said collision was with a wayward seagull. Yes, a seagull. Not only that, but the co-pilot is in hospital with severe whiplash from the apparent force with which the seagull hit him after hurling through the windscreen.
I wonder if the seagull's name was Jonathan?
In other news, I actually accomplished many things today! Cleaning and work and... cleaning... but still, things other than just going to work. The kitchen is still a mess and the trash still needs to be taken out, but I can do that before bed sometime. At least the bedroom and bathroom are all nicely... nice. Language eludes me tonight, I apologise.
In the next few days I need to make garlic bread and cookies for the company Christmas party, find a belt to wear to said party (I'm hoping for something sparkly, as apparently I am stealing Mizu's wardrobe for this affair), acquire Ginger, Touko, Mizu, Miki and (more) Asako icons, finish my Yuletide fic (omgwtfheadsplody!) and attempt to write something at /all/ coherent about Nettaiyawa (Saeko's last bow hall) at least, if not the slew of other things I've barely mentioned. Also, stay tuned for a very special Christmas post, which will add to the to-do list.
For now, I need to get to sleep soon so I can manage work tomorrow and braving Wal-Mart and the grocery. Just as soon as I make said Christmas post.
Proof that I was not lying about the seagull. It doesn't specifically say seagull in that article, but that's what it was. Too bad there aren't pictures. Also, Christmas post will happen tomorrow, I'm too sleepy.