So as much as I am not so pleased that my days off were not so much relaxing as I had a crap load of stuff to do, I am exceedingly pleased with how much I accomplished. I cleaned literally my /entire/ apartment, top to bottom, including dusting, reorganizing closets, vacuuming, kitchen, bathroom, the works. The place looks great and I'll try and remember to take some pictures to share while it's still in this condition but after Meghan has finished setting up her room (since the bedroom's are not particularly large, the dining room is a staging area for her stuff while she figures out where everything is going to go).
Also, I made a quite spectacular dinner tonight. Meatballs with fusilli with an olive oil and butter sauce and caramelized garlic. Yummy.
Also also, my dad has an LJ (
islandgator). How cool is he?