readenglnd wants you all to know that I am currently on the phone with her. That is all.
Oh, and this late at night, she cracks me up. Hilarious.
Ooo, and now we are fighting about the Yankees vs the Mets.
And she gets to kidnap see Graham Abbey next week. So jealous!
oh, on a side note, if your friend hasn't yet planned on it and is able to score a last minute "play on" ticket (for under 30s, and is only $20), she should stop in and see twelfth night - brian bedford's malvolio's absolutely brilliant - completely spot on - great production overall and definitely worth seeing twice - also, she should stop in at stratford tea leaves - the owner, karen, runs a tea tasting bar in the afternoon and is a really lovely person (if she should go, please have her tell karen i say hello) - it's on erie street going out of town and is literally just past the railroad tracks on the left - her website's not finished yet, but it'll have the address and such: - and if she's really into tea, there's a shop on york st called distinctly tea - if you drive up erie toward town, it's one street past ontario (the main street) and to the left (it borders the river) -
which reminds me, we're thinking next year to go toward the end of june, and it'd be great fun if you could go, too - if you'd like to send me your non-simmons address, i'll keep you posted on everything - we tend to get everything set by january so that we can reserve a spot at karen's (it's also a b&b) and have good seats at the theaters -
i hope all's well otherwise, and i'll catch up with you later =)
But then I do I like Graham Abbey - of course, I've only seen him in four roles, and when two of them are D'Artagnan and Algy (yeah, I was there for the Paul Gross Hamlet season), and a third is Laertes, it's hard to conceive an accurate idea of the man's range. Which is why I was so glad to see his Macbeth and that he did so well.
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