Feb 18, 2006 23:32
I think something is wrong with me. But if I think too much on it, like I did this morning, I might almost pass out again. So I won't. And deny a potential problem might exist. That's just how I live my life. I don't like going to the doctor's.
It is also bitterly cold. I went out with Jen to the BPL this afternoon. She had to return books. We were going to go to the Longwood Starbucks and CVS, but since we didn't want to walk that way in the cold, went to their conterparts near Copley. We were crossing the street to Starbucks and Jen lost her favorite hat thanks to the wind. I didn't notice until too late that she had gone running back and had chased it into the street we had just crossed. Luckily, she caught up with it and was not run over by oncoming traffic. A little of Michael's traffic frolicking ability must have rubbed off. Safely reunited, we had some hot drinks to warm us up before heading out in the cold again. I'm very sad that they don't have Chanticos anymore. I only had one once, but it was chocolatly goodness! Their hot chocolate does not compare at all. At CVS, I bought soap.
Tonight, we mocked Van Helsing. Oh gosh! It is Sam West! I really thought it was him as Frankenstein, but Jen had no idea. Too bad he got sucked dry. David Wenham as Carl was probably the best thing about the movie. "But I don't want to go to Transylvania." I'm glad he survived. Whenever I saw Dracula, I kept saying "Good evening" in the hope that he would say it. But he never did. Jen was disappointed to find out that she missed half of the James Blunt concert they had on tv because we were watching the movie.
Tomorrow I have lots of work to do. For as you see, I didn't do all that much work today at all.